The Rejected Delta’s Secret Pups Chapter 82

Chapter 82
“Have you found it out?” I questioned and he shook his head.
I had been trying to decode the note left by Elder Agatha, before her death. I needed to find out the meaning in order to find Kai.
From what I could decipher, She had escaped with Kai, but something had made them separate but I couldn’t figure out where she said he was. If only she had more time, she would’ve told me who the leader of the Blood Creek was and perhaps who the spy in the mansion was. I still couldn’t stop suspecting Greyson, I hadn’t seen him for days now.
I would love to believe that he was out looking for Giselle.
“What about Greyson?” I questioned.
I had resorted to the only means I had left to find my family. I remembered one of Raven’s good friends whom Raven had spoken highly about. Apparently, he was a private investigator of some sort and could look for anything or anyone, discreetly. His code name was Whisper, as he could hear all the whispers in the town.
“From what I have heard, my whispers,I don’t think he’s a member of the Blood Creek or their leader. But there is something shady about it, I’ll listen to more whispers and get back to you on that.” He replied and I nodded.
“Thank you,” I said and he looked surprised and then nodded.
“If it helps in avenging Raven. He wasn’t the best of men out there, but he was loyal, too loyal to have died like that.”
“Just help me, find her and find what this means,” I said, pushing the paper to him.
He nodded and began to walk away and I turned back, to head back to the mansion. I had been seeing whispers for a few days now but we never met inside the mansion as there were eyes everywhere, especially Rielle. I had avoided her and not failed to hide my disgust towards her.
As soon as I got back to the mansion, I headed to my room and met Rielle there. I clenched my fist and glared at her.
“Why are you here?” I demanded through gritted teeth.
11:16 Mon, 25 Mar
Chapter 82
“That’s not how you should speak to your Luna,” she retorted and I chuckled. This was definitely another threat.
“Another threat?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. The other day, you accused me, your Luna in front of my father and other people, I didn’t react because I believed that you were just pained about the crone’s death and you just channeled your anger and hurt me-,” she was still saying when I cut her off, thoroughly pissed.
“Shut up! just shut up!” I snapped and her head shut up as she glared at me, her mouth widening in surprise as her eyes bulged.
“I don’t like the way you’ve been acting towards me. You don’t even see me as your Luna, it’s just-what exactly did I do wrong?,” she almost screamed and I glared murderously at her.
How could she even ask me that, knowing what she has done?
“Get out!” I said calmly and she whipped her head up to look at me.
“I should get out?” She questioned with furrowed brows and I nodded.
“Get out!”
“No! I’m not going anywhere, I don’t care what you do. You have to tell me what’s going on. Let me help you, Lucien!” She stated and I chuckled darkly.
“You want to help me? you? okay, help me. Help me by telling your people to free my son.”
“My people?” She was breathing heavily as her eyes blazed with fury.
“I don’t know why you’re doing this or why you’re doing this, but I’m done sitting here and listening to you insult me. I am still your Luna and I am carrying your child!” She clenched her fist as she walked out of the room and I closed the door behind her, noting to tell the guards not to allow her inside my room anymore.
I quickly went towards the table and opened a book. I removed the picture and kissed it. It was the picture of Amara I had kept for a long time.
“Be patient my love, I’m coming to you soon,” I clenched my fist to my side and
Chapter 82
ground my teeth tightly.
The shrill ringtone of my phone stopped me from picking up my children’s picture. I groaned as I brought out the phone from my pocket. As I glanced at the caller ID, I hissed,wondering why the hell Rolan was calling me. He had made himself very scarce in Silverpine. I had no idea what he was up to these days.
The phone rang again and I picked it up, deciding to listen to the bullsh it he wanted to say. He probably wasn’t even aware of what had been going on in his absence.
“What is it?” I questioned, pursing my lips as I finally picked it up, I didn’t want to talk to anyone today, but since he was so adamant, I had to hear what he had to
“Lucien!, I mean Alpha-how have you been?” He questioned and I could hear him chuckle from the other end of the line.
“I don’t have time for all this rubbish! You can either say what you want to quickly or I’ll end this call immediately.”
He chuckled again. “Always so impatient. Anyways, you won’t believe what I have for you,” he cackled and I shook my head.
Everything was a joke to Rolan. Even when we were younger, he was always joking and playing, he never was able to take anything seriously.
Whatever he had for me might be one of his precious stone collections.
“You want to hear?” He asked as I kept quiet. I didn’t even realize that I had been quiet, I was lost in thought, realizing that I didn’t even have to put up with any of Rielle’s bullsh it.
I could have her arrested and questioned, after all,my son wasn’t with them
“Yes,” I said finally, excitement coursing through my veins.

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