The Rejected Delta’s Secret Pups Chapter 76

Chapter 76
I had been sitting in the room alone with the crone for a while now, thinking back to our times together and realizing how much I had missed her and how valuable she was to me.
The saying that you don’t value what you have until you lose it is true as I had just realized that I didn’t even accord her all the respect she deserved, I never valued her enough.
When Rielle saw my countenance change, she kept questioning me, trying to find out what was wrong and it took all the willpower in me not to punch her. Even though I had an unspoken rule about not hitting women, seeing her face made me want to break that rule.
When she asked if I wasn’t going to leave the room, I told her that I had no intention of leaving. She said she was going to stay too. I had to do a lot of convincing to get her to leave. I didn’t want my mood to be further ruined by her presence.
She was adamant about staying with me in the room until one of the maids came to call her about a dress she wanted made for her for her forthcoming birthday party.
As soon as she left, I sighed, glad that she was gone.
I stood up and was about to leave the room when I felt my hand being grabbed lightly. I spun around and opened my mouth to call the attention of the maids when she shook her head.
It was evident that she didn’t want me to call anyone and I had to respect that.
“Are you okay?” I furrowed my brows, wondering why she didn’t want me to call the attention of anybody. Perhaps she had her reasons, it could even be that she didn’t trust anyone. That made me eager to hear what she had to say.
She might have found something important out during Her days in captivity. I already suspected that there was someone in this mansion who was giving out information from here to Blood Creek.
“Water?” I questioned and she shook her head. I figured that she was too weak to say anything after all she looked malnourished and dehydrated.
“Rest. The healer will be back to check you when you’re stronger, you can tell me whatever it is you have to say,” I stated but to my surprise, she shook her head.
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Chapter 76
“What?” I demanded with furrowed brows, wondering why she was shaking her head. She didn’t trust the healer? but then she didn’t look good, except I could find a way to take her out of the mansion to another healer.
“You don’t trust Yumi?” I questioned but she shook her head and I inhaled deeply, confused as to why she was shaking her head.
She trusted the healer, then what was the problem? Or had she lost her memories? I heard that it wasn’t rare for some people to lose their memories after a traumatic incident.
“You’ve lost your memories?”
She shook her head and I scrunch my face in confusion. I had no idea what she was trying to say and I wondered why she couldn’t even say anything.
“Since you can’t talk now, I’m sure what you have to say is important, you can tell me after you’ve rested well.”
She shook her head and I rubbed my forehead. She was driving me crazy by shaking her head and it was annoying as I didn’t even know what she meant. It might even be just something she didn’t know she was doing.
“But you can’t talk!”
She nodded her head and I heaved a sigh. Then it hit me, she just said she couldn’t talk.
“You can’t talk?” I questioned again and moved closer to her as she pointed at her mouth, opening it.
I clenched
my fist to my side as my eyes blazed with fury at what they had done to her. it was inhumane and I knew I couldn’t condone that.
“I will make them pay for this! all of them!” I yelled, my jaw clenching tightly. I felt guilty for all that had happened to her. She smiled sadly and I swallowed the painful lump in my throat.
Even in pain, She was always strong, she never cried, I don’t know most women who’d do that.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered and she shook her head, a smile still on my lips like she wanted to reassure me that it wasn’t my fault.
She stretched her arms and made a gesture of writing and I dashed to the table to bring a paper and a pen for her.
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Chapter 76
She sat up slowly and took the pen from my hand. She scribbled something down on the paper and I couldn’t help but notice how frail she looked. Her hands even shook as she wrote.
I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as she wrote and then I saw it. My eyes widened. She stopped writing and faced me, shaking her head and putting her fingers to her lips, signaling for me to be quiet.
I nodded, my eyes blazing with anger.
Suddenly, she began to convulse uncontrollably and her face contorted in pain. Her body was wracked with spasms and I was confused about what to do.
“Get the healer!” I yelled and I heard hurried footsteps.
I held her to my body as her trembling intensified, she was breathing raggedly and my heart sank. It didn’t seem like she was going to survive this. She seemed to be hanging onto life by a thread.
“Please, stay with me–
–please–please,” I whispered, breathing heavily as her face turned pale.
“Agatha-please-stay with me-,” I pleaded. She had to live, to explain everything to me. How would I cope with losing another person dear to me?
Suddenly, her body stilled and I slowly peered at her lifeless face.
The door opened at that moment and the healer scurried towards us and checked her pulse. Even before she broke the news I already knew. The crone had left us. She died in my arms, because of me, because I couldn’t protect her.
I closed my eyes and promised myself that this would be the last.

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