The Rejected Delta’s Secret Pups Chapter 71

Chapter 71
“You are all dismissed,” Iid after a long silence.
I needed to talk to Greyson, b I had to do it privately, not In front of some of the guards who were already seeing me as some sort of dummy Alpha who was being controlled by Rielle.
As soon as the guards all left, I faced him.
“Where were you yesterday, I couldn’t get a hold of you?” I questioned as I looked at the window, shoving my hands into my pocket, my back to him.
“I was out,” he replied casually. He was either a good pretender or he didn’t realize I was already Suspecting him.
“Out where?” I demanded as I spun around to face him.
“I had to go get some air outside with what has been happening in this mansion these past few weeks, I needed a break. Why are you questioning me? Do you think I had something to do with their escape?” his eyes shot up to mine and Kaz growled. He was challenging me as an Alpha and I didn’t like that.
“Back down,” I said slowly as his eyes changed, his wolf was about to take over as he glared at me defiantly.
What he was doing was considered traitorous but I knew he was pis sed and angry. His wolf missed its mate and the anger blinded it. My eyes darkened and I growled, my wolf ordering him to back down or face my wrath.
He looked like he was ready to face me before he thought about it again and his eyes went back to their normal colour.
“As much as I’d love to have been involved In their disappearance, I wasn’t and it’s driving me crazy that I don’t know where my woman is! And I Blame you for it.”
“Rielle is the mother of this community, do not disrespect her. I only stopped her from doing what she wanted because it’ll ruin your reputation as my beta-,” I was saying when he cut me off,
“Is that why you let her take Giselle to the cell? who would you put there next for your ‘Luna’, Alma? me?,” he scoffed
“Pardon my manners Alpha, but I don’t just understand it at all, I don’t know why you’re doing all this, you’re destroying Silverpine!,” he lamented and I ignored his
10:40 Mon, 18 Mar –
Chapter 71
“You mean you had nothing to do with their escape?” I questioned and he shook his head.
“Nothing!,” he answered, a pained expression etched on his face.
“Find them,” I ordered as I walked out of the room to find Rielle.
I knew she would still be seething with anger and wanted to soothe her.
I knocked on her door gently and she answered with a calm voice.
Come in,” she said softly as she heard
my voice.
I cautiously entered and sat down at the edge of the bed, beside her.
“I’m sorry,” I said as I tried to hold her hands. She shifted her hands away from me and I swallowed hard, I really had to pacify her, I couldn’t risk hurting her.
“I was too harsh, wasn’t I?,” she asked, surprising me.
“Yes,” I replied and she nodded.
“I just thought of it now. He is your beta and if I had done that, it’d make weak in front of the others,” she pointed out and I was surprised.
you look
Rielle being thoughtful was something unexpected and I blinked rapidly before regaining my composure.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have humiliated you like that,” she said again and I held her hands, this time,she didn’t take it away.
“I love you, Rielle, I love you so much and I’m sorry for making you look stu pid,” I pleaded and she sniffed. It was then I realized that she had been crying.
“What’s wrong?” I questioned with furrowed eyebrows, concerned that she was now crying as I wondered what the hell was making her cry.
“It’s just-this pregnancy, it’s making me do some stu pid things. I have questioned some of the guards and they said Giselle and Amara have escaped. I have put
their lives in danger-your sister–,” her voice broke as she began to cry.
I knew she was faking it, but I had to console her, I comforted her and told her to not worry about it as I’would do everything within my power to find them.
I kept consoling her until she fell asleep.
Chapter 71
As soon as she fell asleep, crept out of her room. I needed to find someone whom I trusted completely to find them discreetly, but that was the problem, I didn’t trust anyone.
I couldn’t trust Greyson as he had Proven to be suspicious, multiple times. I also couldn’t trust the guards. If I had to journey to Greyvine to find someone, then I would, but I had to find them.
I sat alone in the deliberation room, gulping vodka when something caught my eyes through the window.
I walked to the window and saw Greyson look around before picking up a call. That itself was suspicious, I strained my ears to hear what he was saying but it was too far and it seemed like he was whispering.
He glanced around again before walking away and I came down quickly in time to see him leave through the back door, a door that was rarely used, except in emergency situations. I had no idea that he had the key as I felt that only I had the key.
I curled my fist into a ball when I saw the kn ob turning again. I stood there, waiting for him to come back inside and explain what urgency had made him leave through the back door and how he had gotten a key. I knew that being caught red- handed would prompt him to tell the truth or at least give an explanation.
If I should go back and then question him later, he was sure to deny it or give some sort of lies.
Instead of the familiar grey eyes, I was met with another familiar hazel eyes.
“Hello Alpha,” she said with a weak smile.

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