The Rejected Delta’s Secret Pups Chapter 67

Chapter 67

It was indeed a difficult situation. I could save her, but doing that would compromise my position with Rielle.

Rielle kept insisting that the healer was telling a lie, she believed that both the healer and Amara were in league and were members of the blood creek. She insisted that the healer be interrogated in order to ascertain the truth, but I knew better.

I have known Yumi since I was born, she was trustworthy. I had to find a way to save Amara without compromising my relationship with Rielle.

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Rielle was getting worse with each

felt like she was doing it on purposg day in the way she humiliated Amara. It

had feelings for Amara.

to spite me. She must have known that I still

When I saw her, clutching her chest as she fell down, the pain,evident in her eyes, an agonizing pain, and a feeling of helplessness washed over me, knowing that I couldn’t go to her, I couldn’t even show any weakness, I couldn’t show that she meant the word to me.

Kaz whimpered, feeling her pain and urging me to do something, but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t risk everything.

I felt my world come to a standstill, I wanted to risk everything, to bring that light back into her eyes. To remove that sadness that had now become her feature. Because of me!because I rejected her in the first place and got entangled with this demonic Rielle.

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When the healer had said that the solution was to mate her, I wanted to lurch forward and wrap my arms around her as I carried her to the bedroom. Alas, I couldn’t do anything like that!, it’ll ruin everything I’ve been working for. But I wanted to hold her tightly and whisper words of comfort into her ear, and reassure her that I was still on her side.

“You’re not thinking of mating with her, right?,” Rielle’s voice broke my reverie and I sighed.

I had totally forgotten that she had followed me to my room, to convince me to lock both Rielle and the healer, for trying to deceive me.



Chapter 67

“I don’t want her to die. She’s..Rick’s mother, after all,it could affect him-”

She cut me off sharply, glaring at me in anger.

“Are you serious right now? i’m Rick’s mother! She’s proven to be unfit to become a mother!,” she shot out and I winced.

I hated hearing that. If there was a bad mother between the both of them, then it would be Rielle.

“You know what I mean,” I muttered, deciding not to argue with her anymore.

I already knew what I had to do and I knew I was going to do it, I just have to make sure I didn’t jeopardize my relationship with her.

“If she wants to die, then let her!” She yelled and I winced. If only she knew how those words hurt me, it felt like a knife was being used to sear my heart.

“She doesn’t have to die here, we should send her out of Silverpine,” I pointed out, wanting to see her reaction and confirm my suspicion that for some reason, she didn’t want Amara to leave Silverpine.


“Why?, she could lead us to Eve and Norman and other members of the blood creek,” I explained and she shook her head.

“What if we lose track of her and before you know it, she’ll be back with a lot of rogue

rebel soldiers who want to take power from you,” she stated her fears and I


I knew that she just said those words to make sure I didn’t let Amara leave, but why?. There was a lot going on that I had no clue about and it frustrated me.

Before I could say anything, She inched closer to me, her eyes locking into mine ast she delicately brushed her hand against my arm. She then wove her hand into my hair and placed her lps on mine, kssing me hungrily.

She finally pulled away and smiled, I smiled at her and then she whispered in my


“Don’t let that runt of a wolf deceive you,” she said and turned, leaving the room.

Chapter 67

14 Mar


I wove a hand through my hair, sighing in frustration. Rielle was an even greater evil than I had thought. I knew I had to act smart to not lose Amara. I had abandoned her when she needed me before, but not anymore.

I was about to walk out of my room when a knock came and I sighed.

“Come in.”

It was Giselle and she looked like she had been crying.

“You know it’s your fault, right?“She gazed into my eyes and I sighed as I went to sit. on the sofa.

“How is it my fault?”

“If you had not marked her when you did, she would have had a normal life, she wouldn’t have been in all this mess,” she shot out firmly.

“She had a choice to turn me away,” I pointed out.

“Lucy, how did you become like this!,” she lamented and I glanced at her, my sister and closest sibling. But I couldn’t risk telling her that all this was just a ruse to get closer to Rielle.

There was a saying that, to defeat a monster, you have to also become a monster. It will do anything to get my son back, but Rielle will never escape what’s coming for her.

Suddenly, she fell on her knees in tears and I stared at her in shock before regaining my composure.

“Please, please Lucy,don’t let her die,” I ignored the silly nickname and clenched my jaw.

I was tempted to tell her that it was all an act, to reveal everything to her! But then, I thought about it. If I suspected Greyson, what about Giselle? What if she was in on it too, after all, they are mates.

It was wrong to suspect my sister, but I had no choice, I can’t let everything I worked for just go in vain like that.

“Giselle, stop th-” I couldn’t even complete my sentence before a knock came on.

the door again and I clenched my fist, wondering who it was and if the person had


12:19 Thu, 14 Mar

Chapter 67

come to beg too.

“Come in!”


She stood up and stared at me, her eyes seemed to ask if I was expecting someone and I shrugged.

The door opened and I was surprised to see a few of the guards enter and they nodded in acknowledgement. “Alpha”

“What are you doing here?” I demanded, glaring at them.

“The Luna has ordered the arrest and detainment of Lady Giselle.”

She widened her eyes, “what!!”

“Rielle ordered this? when?” I asked through gritted teeth. This was too much! If I have to drop this act, I don’t care! I’ll torture her until she reveals everything I need to know.

They moved towards her and she looked at me, for help.

“Don’t come near me!” she yelled at them, still looking at me for assistance.

I was in a daze as I kept thinking of how I’ll torture that stupid b*tch!

“Stop!, get out!” I ordered and they glanced at each other and nodded, walking


They were about to open the door when it opened and Rielle entered, with eyes. filled with rage.

“Where are you going without taking her?”

“Rielle, what is the meaning of this!” I growled, my eyes darkening.

“It’s called, rounding up all the suspects,” then she turned to the guards. “Take her


“You will do no such thing. Giselle seethed, facing the guards that were advancing close to her and I put out a hand to stop them.

“Alpha, I know she’s your sister, but if you want the best for Silverpine, then

interrogating her shouldn’t be anything.” she paused and then glanced at Giselle.


Chapter 67

hu, 14 Mar

“After all, you want to get your son back.”


It sounded like a threat and I swallowed hard, clenching my fist. She wanted to take all my loved ones from me.

“What did she even do wrong?” I demanded as I thought of a way out of this situation, without jeopardizing my relationship with Rielle.

“First it was Amara and now me, do you feel that intimidated by us?” Giselle questioned.

“What are her charges?” I asked again, through gritted teeth.

“Conspiring with a traitor, murder of Wyatt and Trey,” she said and I furrowed my brows.

“Who-” Giselle cut me off.

“Murder of who? I don’t even know anyone with that name,” she bit out firmly.

“Yeah, they were humans, they had names and families and people who loved them!” She yelled and Giselle scrunched her face, in apparent confusion.

“Who are these people?” I demanded.

“The guards.”

“Do you have any proof that she did it?, because without proof, you should know that you only wasted your time,” I stated and she shook her head.

“You’re so blinded by love that you fail to see what’s going on around you,” she paused. “I have all the proof I need, she even confessed to some of them,” then she turned to Giselle.

“You’ve been hanging out a lot with Amara, she even told you about her condition, you said so yourself, you even went to the healer to get her to diagnose such nonsense, knowing that your brother won’t let her die,” she revealed, bringing out a photograph and upon seeing it, I glanced at Giselle.

“It’s not–it’s not as it seems,” she stuttered.

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