The Rejected Delta’s Secret Pups Chapter 62

Chapter 62

I glanced at her, as the tears cascaded down her smooth face and I wanted nothing more than to k*ss all those tears away. I wanted to eliminate anything that made her cry, I never wanted to see her in pain.

I was in pain as I listened to Rielle abuse and humiliate her and my heart ached at that. My heart yearned for nothing more than her, her skin, her rosy pink l*ps, and the way they pouted when she was angry.

Holding myself back wasn’t easy, but it had to be done. I swallowed hard as I watched her turn her back on me, leaving, in pain. She must think of me as mean, cruel, and undeserving of her love.

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But I hoped that one day, just one day, she’d understand that I did all I did, for her,for our son, our children. I abandoned my kin before, my very own blood, but no more. I won’t let them win this one.

“What are you thinking about, my love,” she asked as she wove her hand through my hair, seductively.

I smiled as I stared at her, my eyes twinkling and she understood as she brought her lps close and our lps met, it was supposed to be a passionate k*ss, but it felt forced and disgusting.

I pulled away and she smiled.

“I hope our baby looks like you,” she said and I inwardly scoffed. ‘Our?‘, what a stupid b*tch!. She must’ve really believed I was that into her.

“Uh uh, she’s going to be as beautiful as you,” I said and she smiled shyly.

“Do we keep letting Amara stay here? I’m worried about Rick being unable to let her go. You know children….,” I pointed out, hoping she’d see reasons with me.

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One thing I realized was that she didn’t want Amara to leave the mansion. For some reason, she wanted her here.

I initially thought it was to spite and humiliate her, but upon my further findings, I believed there was another reason, one that was very important and could possibly help their cause.

“Who knows what she’s going to plot as soon as she leaves here? We can’t take that



Thu, 14 Mar

Chapter 62

risk, I’d rather she just stays here,” she argued and I nodded.

“And about Rick?”


“He’s still a child, he doesn’t know anything, I’ll make him see her as nothing but an evil person she is, don’t worry about that,” she said confidently.

So confidently that I was scared that she was plotting something else.

“Anyways, talking about Rick, my little soldier. Where is he?,” I asked and she sighed.

“I left him sleeping in my room. Let me go and get him,” she said and turned to leave.

“Rielle,” I called out and she spun around.

“Thank you,” I said with a smile and she furrowed her brows and then walked towards me and k*ssed my forehead.

“I didn’t do anything.”

“No, you did. You’ve been taking great care of Rick, even though you’re not his biological mother,” I stated and she shrugged.

“That I’m not his biological mother doesn’t mean he’s not mine. He’s your son, also mine and I feel sorry for him, for having such a mother”

My heart clenched at the way she insulted Her. She was the most amazing mother I know, with everything she’s done for her children, she doesn’t deserve to be judged by someone evil.

“Let me go get him,” she said as she began walking away.

I really needed to tone down my harshness towards Amara and these days, she didn’t seem to be doing fine.

I opened the phone Amara had given to me and went to the photos section.

I smiled as I looked at the pictures, there were many, of her being in a lab coat, a shrug, her and her mother, and she and my boys.

The wallpaper was of the two boys and I smiled. She was the best mother one could ask for.

Chapter 62

“Can you imagine!!,this stupid b*tch was about to steal our son again!,” it was Rielle. She barged in with a frightened–looking Rick.

I quickly hid the box, not wanting Rick to see it. It was too gory for a young child.

“Daddy,” he called out, rushing to hug me. He was already in tears.

I had finally revealed that I was his father and he was so happy. He even said so himself, that he has always asked Amara about who his father was, but she always shut him up.

It was weird hearing him call me daddy, but I loved it.

Rielle wanted to change his name, claiming that ‘Rick‘ was too ‘humanist’.It took a lot of convincing to stop her. The next thing I knew, she had made him start. calling her ‘mummy“.

“What is it, my strong cub?”

“I want to see mummy, I miss her so much and Luna’s mummy won’t let me go. close to her. I hate Luna mummy, she’s mean!,” he said in between sobs.

I wanted to scream ‘ME TOO!‘ But it took everything I had in me to not say anything and just smile.

“Luna mummy is your mummy too, Everything she does for you, it’s because she loves you,” I said, consoling him.

“But Daddy, something has happened to Kai,” he said and I stared at Him.

The twin bond. Amara had once told me that she didn’t know why, but it seemed like they didn’t have a twin bond.

Apparently, they do. They had a bond and he must’ve felt it when Kai’s finger was chopped off.

“I don’t think so, dear. Kai is fine. We’ll soon get him. In the meantime, stay close to your Luna mummy and always listen to her. She has your best interest at heart and she loves you,” I explained as I stood up.

“No!!,she’s not my mother! Daddy, please forgive mummy. I miss her,” he said crying and I carried him, wiping his tears as I felt his pain.


Chapter 62

14 Mar


“You see, she has poisoned his mind about me,” Rielle who had been quiet all this while suddenly said and I shook my head.

“She doesn’t strike me as the type to do such a thing,” I pointed out and she scoffed.

“She doesn’t seem like the type to liaise with terrorists either, yet, here we are.

I shook my head, suddenly feeling like defending Amara.

“Are you in support of her doing all these right now?,” she asked, raising a brow and I shrugged.

“I’m not. Really, but I just don’t think she’d dare try to paint a bad image of you, to insult you. She should be scared of my wrath.

She sighed and I glanced at Rick who was already dozing off.

“Let me take him to bed,” she said as she cradled him in her arms and sauntered


I had no idea why she and her fellow blood creeks did that to Kai. Perhaps, Amara had said something that didn’t sit well with them, and chopping off her son’s finger was the best way to teach her a lesson.

I stood up and went to the archery range, desperately in need of a kind of

distraction from the thoughts running through my head.

“Greyson,” I said as soon as I got there. He was alone, shooting arrows,with his eyes. narrowed in concentration.

“Yes, Alpha,” he spun around, dropping his bow.

“Care to share?”

“Share what?,” he questioned with furrowed brows and I chuckled as I picked the


“Oh,” he snickered. “It must’ve been you who told Amara that shooting arrows alone means that the person is thinking about something.”

“Well, isn’t that right?” I demanded with a raised brow. “So what are you thinking about?”

“What are you also thinking about? You didn’t just come here, hoping to find me,”

Chapter 62

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he said and I glared at him.

If he wasn’t my best friend and beta, I’d have punched him right now.


“Do you really trust Rielle that much,” he asked and I glanced at his face briefly, before looking away, looking for any kind of expression.

“I don’t know how much I trust her. But I do trust her,” I admitted and he sighed.

“And Amara? You don’t really believe all those accusations do you?”

“I’ve got no choice. I did love her, but what’s she’s done, to my children? I can’t forgive that,” I said as I shot an arrow, hitting the bullseye.

“I personally think you’re making a mistake to trust Rielle,” he said and I stopped. myself from telling him that I also made a mistake in trusting him in the past.

“I miss Raven,” I said, changing the topic and he nodded.

“I miss the days when we didn’t have to worry about whom to trust or who not to trust. This mansion was very safe, now not anymore,” he lamented and I nodded.

It was then that I realized something very important. Amara might’ve been right, I really couldn’t trust Greyson or anyone in this mansion. There was someone close to me who has been acting as a double agent, to both Silverpine and the blood. creek.


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