The Rejected Delta’s Secret Pups Chapter 61

Chapter 61

It smelled so much like Kai and I held it. I fell to the ground as Rielle kept hissing and scoffing and glaring at me. Lucian on the other hand looked pissed as his jaw clenched.

I knew it was Kai, he had that scar on his left hand when he fell from a bicycle when he was 4.

“Amara, tell us why you were trying to run away,” Lucien demanded and Rielle rolled her eyes.

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“She won’t say it. Obviously, she wanted to run away after what she’s done,” she spat out ruefully and I bit back tears.

I had cried enough that I felt like there were no more tears left in me.


“You what!, you have nothing to say?, fine, I know that I’m right anyways,” She said.

“Who sent this?” I asked, ignoring Rielle’s statement.

She scoffed again and I believe she was about to say something before Lucien held out a hand, interrupting her.

“I would love to know that too, but it seems that’s impossible seeing as you won’t speak. Perhaps a night or two in the cell would teach you something,” He said and I shook my head vigorously.

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“What a good mother.”

I ignored Rielle’s statement. I had no intention of going back to that horrible cell.

“They chopped off my son’s finger,” I stated, in a daze as tears began to drop. I felt numb all over, even the ache in my chest, dissipating.

“Yes, they did. And if you want us to believe that you aren’t with them, tell us why you were in such desperation to go out,” he said and I bit my lower l*ps.

Perhaps if I tell Lucien, he would be able to help me, he might be able to track. down the number and find who it belongs to, he was after all, Lucien and Kai were

his sons.


Thu, 14 Mar

Chapter 61

I glared at Rielle, I know she did this, I just need hard proof, something. irrefutable,something she would not be able to deny.


“What have you done to my son?” I turned to her this time, eyes blazing with anger and she seemed to be taken aback by the accusation and she widened her eyes, before regaining her composure.

“I? You always do this Amaral, you always blame someone for your own bullshits!”

I shook my head vigorously. “I know you had something to do with this! I know you did this! I have been so quiet and calm,” I paused, managing to control my breath.

“I have kept quiet and let you take Rick from me, allowed him to call you. ‘mummy‘, allowed you to humiliate me, but no more. Please, just give me back my son,” I pleaded, Kai’s image flooding my memories.

“Amara!!,” Lucian yelled and I grabbed a bottle of vodka that was on the table and chugged it. Rielle scoffed and Lucien just looked at me, no emotion whatsoever on his face.

“Take her,” Lucien said to the guards, and as they walked towards me, I raised a hand, to stop them and I glanced at him..

He told them to leave and Rielle scoffed.

“I hope you are ready to speak now,” she questioned, glaring murderously at me.

I ignored her and sat down, dropping the now–empty bottle.

Rielle sat down and Lucien joined her.

“I received a call telling me-”

“Oh great! I forgot to have your phone seized. Have you been communicating with your sister and her boyfriend?” She demanded.

“What call?” Lucien asked,

“Where is this phone right now?” Rielle questioned and I brought it out of my bag and gave it to Lucien, ignoring her outstretched arm.

“It’s a hidden number. The person said I should go to Silverpine Lake, that it was

Chapter 61


“What was so important? What’s in Silverpine Lake?,” he demanded and I shrugged.

“I thought it had something to do with Kai or Eve–I just wanted to know that she was okay,” I explained as I saw Lucien go through the call history.

“And you couldn’t guess whose voice it belongs to!,” he asked, raising a brow and I nodded.



“Can you track the number, that’s our only lead right now-” I was saying before Rielle cut me off.

“You must think of yourself as some sort of detective right now,” she snapped and I swallowed hard, I wouldn’t lose my composure and any chance of getting my son back because of this b*tch, anymore..

“A good idea, the only thing is, there’s no number. There is no way we can track this,” he revealed and my heart sank as my eyes went to the box, my son’s finger was chopped out of his hand!

“Tell me the truth, Amara, the absolute truth. Do you know anything about this?,” he demanded and I glared at him, the shock evident on my face.

“Are you you know I’m innocent. I wouldn’t hurt my son!!, I yelled.

Rielle hissed. “Then why were you trying to run away?”

“The call, I really wanted to know what was going on. I was scared that it was about Kai and the voice sounded so urgent,” I explained.

“Yeah, you’d say anything to save your own skin,” she retorted and I curled my

hand in a fist.

“I am no traitor!!, I wouldn’t do anything to hurt my own children. What kind of mother does that-”

“A mother like you. A bad mother! You aren’t even fit to be a mother because why

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Chapter 61

would you do this!,” she berated and I closed my eyes, willing my anger to dissipate.

I glanced at Lucien, his expression, unreadable. I was even more hurt by his reaction. He seemed unbothered and I was beginning to suspect that he didn’t

even trust me anymore.

“Amara, this is your last time to answer me honestly. Did you do this to spite me and try to run away so as not to get caught?”

I stared at him, my mouth wide open as my eyes bulged. He didn’t seem like he was faking it. He seemed genuine.

“No. I promise,” I said firmly and he nodded.


“Go back to your room and don’t try to leave this mansion again,” he warned and I turned to leave.

“Are you just going to let her go like that? she’s lying. She’s fooling you! If the call indeed seemed urgent, why didn’t she find you to inform you?” She shrieked.

“I was so scared that I didn’t think about that!” I exclaimed..

Lucien seemed to think about it for a while before nudging me to leave.

Rielle whined and complained, muttering strings of insults as I left.

I went to my room and plopped down on the bed, the events of the past few hours. rushing back to me and I sighed. I couldn’t even cry anymore. My son had just been made to become a person with disfigured fingers.


I didn’t do anything wrong, I couldn’t think of any they could probably have for chopping off his finger.

Every day in this mansion, my fear intensifies and I’m left to wonder if there is. even someone I can trust.

I definitely couldn’t trust Greyson, I didn’t know if Giselle told him anything or Lucien did, he was beginning to stare at me in a way that seemed as if he knew was suspecting him.

Someone began rapidly knocking on my door and I groaned as I got up to open

the door.

Chapter 61


As soon as I opened the door, my breath hit my throat as he hugged me.

“Rick,” I whispered, holding him tightly in my embrace and inhaling his smell, unconsciously still scared that Rielle might take him away from me.

“Mummy,” he murmured and I pulled away as I crouched down to his level, looking at him intently. I miss my son!,so much.


“Are you alright? are you sick anywhere? Have you been eating well? is Luna taking care of you very fine?” I kept on asking him various questions as I checked his b*dy, looking for any kind of sign of mistreatment.

“Mummy, I’m fine,” he said and I nodded, sniffing as I fought to blink back the tears that threatened to cloud my features.

“Are you sure?” I asked as I carried him and sat him on the bed.

“Yes, Luna mummy gives me lots of candies,” he said, grinning widely and I sighed.

“Candies aren’t good for your tooth, sweetie.”

“Mummy, I think something has happened to Kai,” he asked and I quickly glanced at him, my heart racing. He must’ve felt it too.

“What is it, baby?”

“My finger is painting me since,” he said, dragging the “since”

He must’ve felt it because of their twin bond. Since it was just the finger, then he was fine.


Suddenly the door barged open and I came face to face with an enraged Rielle.

“Come here, Rick,” then she smiled at me. “I want to show you something.”

My breath hitched in my throat. She wouldn’t dare do that!

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