The Rejected Delta’s Secret Pups Chapter 31

Chapter 31
How dare she?. How dare she call me a cheat?. I wasn’t even cheating on Lucien!. Lucien who does not want anything to do with me and he made it clear severally. He hurt me twice!.
There’s no way he would even take me back, he believes I’m someone who sleeps with just anyone and anything, after all didn’t we meet during a one night stand?.
He must’ve probably chosen another luna now,maybe Irene with her long shapely legs or any other woman from a prominent family.
My life will continue with or without him and I will make sure I live it to the fullest.
I had survived what most women cannot. My children cruelly sna tched from me,any chances of me seeing them,gone. I sighed,surprised that I hadn’t broken down in tears since.
I quickly called Elena,I was running late for the date and I didn’t want to go back into that house, I just didn’t want to see olivia’s face right now.
‘Hello.,’ Elena’s bright voice rang out from the other end of the line.
‘Elena,could you please come pick me up…I know you’re at work and all,but I’m ..stranded. I’ll explain later,’ I breathed out,internally berating myself for blindly leaving without my car.
Elena lived in the next town,about forty minutes away, I don’t know she managed living there and working here.
“Where are you right now?,’ she asked and I sighed, looking round and trying to find a signpost of some sort. I saw a little cafe a little further ahead and I walked quickly towards there before telling her.
‘K and k coffee shop.’
“Alright, I’ll be there in a short while,’ she said and I ended the call and went inside.
I had a cup of coffee as I waited. Then I began to scroll through the social feeds,I hadn’t thought of checking there since. Sherry did update her feeds regularly,so if there was a way to find her,this would be it.
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12:06 Thu, 14 Mar
Chapter 31
I checked her page and scrunched my brows in confusion. She had not updated her feeds for over three weeks. Her last update had been a picture she took at the club,that night that we both went thre,before the issue wiyh Raymond.
I clicked Raymond’s name on the search bar and a host of profiles appeared, there was no way I’d know which was him,but I didn’t relent. I wished we had been, friends on socials,it would’ve been easier,as this was so much trouble.
A sudden realization hit me and I smiled. Sherry was very social,perhaps she mustve taken a picture with him and tagged him to it or he was just her friend. I decided to search through the photos first,I chuckled as I saw that she had over five hundred pictures, I couldn’t possibly do this today.
Sherry was too social,she seemed to know everyone. I decided that I would start checking now before Elena arrives.
Luckily for me,I had only seen about two hundred pictures and was on my second cup of coffee when I saw him.
I recognized the picture, it was taken by me on the director’s birthday. Indeed she tagged him so I clicked on it and his profile appeared.
He wasn’t much of a social media person. He had only five pictures, only two were his,the others were pictures of forest,dogs and a book.
His last post was three months ago and I hissed. Just then, I saw Elena walking towards me and waving.
‘Hey,’ she said when she arrived at the table,immediately taking a seat.
“Took you long enough,’ I muttered under my breath eliciting an eye roll from
‘So what happened?,’ she asked as she snapped her fingers to the lady behind the counter at the front. ‘What would you like to have?,’ she asked quickly.
‘Nothing, I pointed at my now empty cup of coffee.
The woman walked to our table with a smile on her face and Elena quickly spoke. ‘milkshake just milkshake!
She nodded and left.
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12:06 Thu, 14 Mar
Chapter 31
“What’s going on?,’ she asked,facing me,her arms folded on the table while she stared at me intently.
I cleared my throat. ‘I…er..’
“Wait,aren’t you supposed to meet George today?, she questioned,her voice going a bit higher.
‘Shhh,don’t shout. I know..yea..i just…i had a fight with Olivia,’ I stated.
‘What happened?,’ she questioned,concern etched on her face.
‘She called me a cheat because she found out I was going on a date with someone else,’ I announced and she opened her mouth wide agape.
‘She… the woman came back with the milkshake.
“Thank you,’ she said to her before she left.
She turned to me immediately the woman left. ‘f uck her,I don’t want to know whatever made her say that. She can go to hell. You my dear are going to live your life to the fullest and have fun,’
‘I cant go on that date,’ I said slowly,avoiding her gaze.
She gulped down the milkshake quickly before turning to face me. ‘and why not?,”
‘I don’t have a dress to wear. I mean I do,but I don’t want to see Olivia right now and she’s at home, I stated.
‘Oh Come on!,you can wear any of mine,we have the same bdy type,so it’s easy. and i’ll give you that green dress, you know..that one,’ she said and I squealed in happiness. ‘Ohh,thank you, I was genuinely happy as I smiled, revealing all my teeth. The dress was a limited edition,Sophie Wang dress and I’ve been admiring it since she showed me. She chuckled, ‘It’s okay dear,don’t worry about anything at all just promise me one. thing,’ she looked serious now. “What is it?,anything… I said with a smile. Need Precision Metal Stamping? Get 10% Off (Order Now) B Chapter 31 14 Mar 54% ‘Don’t botch this. I put in a lot of effort to get him to agree on this date. He’s a nice catch. A good man,rich and has the qualities of everything a woman would want in a man, she finished and I thought, he was everything,but not Lucien,the only thing I want. I really looked stunning in this green dress,itwas an off shouldered dress with intricate designs and Elena had given me red heels to pair it with as the dress had red flowers printed on them. George Conan was even more handsome than I saw in the picture.he had jet black hair and olive skin,his jawline was perfectly structured, they seem to be sharper than razor blade. When I got there he took the chair out for me to sit,like a perfect gentleman, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt as I silently compared him to Lucien. ‘So..Olivia said you’re a doctor,’ she said and I smiled. I didn’t want to tell him that I had lost my licence due to malpractice. ‘Yes,i’m a doctor,but I left the hospital I used to work in just recently.. ‘Oh why is that?, I quickly thought of a lie in my head. “I lost my mother..and a few family members at the same time,’ I paused and took a sip of the French wine he had ordered. ‘I was going through extreme depression, I tried to kill myself twice,but couldn’t do that. I don’t know what stopped me,but I decided to live out my remaining days doing whatever makes me happy.” He brought his hand closer and just before he could touch me,he looked at me. “May I hold your hands,’ I nodded. ‘I’m sorry about that, I know there’s nothing I can possibly say that will be of help to you,but you’re courageous to have decided to be happy now,’ he said and then let go of my hands. ‘Doing anything in particular to make yourself happy?,’ he asked 4/5 Need Precision Metal Stamping? Get 10% Off (Order Now) 5/5 12:06 Thu, 14 Mar Chapter 31 54% I chuckled,resisting the urge to tell him that being here was my attempt at being happy. Over the course of the date,I learnt a few things about him. He liked to talk with his mouth full of food. He liked to analyse people’s behaviour and give reasons why they did what they did. He also very much liked to brag about his achievements. And he had lucien’s type of lps.
I would’ve had much more fun if I wasn’t feeling guiulty or if I didnt think about Lucien. He was all I could think of throughout the date.
‘So..will I be seeing you next time?, he asked as we walked to the parking lot and I smiled.
We stood facing each other,our eyes locked,I was breathing heavily as my gaze left his and moved to his l*ps. The tension in the air was so thick it could be sliced
eyes with a knife.
I swallowed hard as I watched him take in all my heart began to pound in my chest. It felt so wrong.yet so right. I saw him gulp as his throat bopped up and down. He leaned closer first and I took a step forward,our breath now in sync as it felt like we were breathing from the same lung.
I knew he was feeling the same way and I closed my eyes,knowing what would happen.
Just then, I opened them and ran out towards elena’s car,opened it and sped off,leaving him looking puzzled.

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