The Rejected Delta’s Secret Pups Chapter 21

Chapter 21

I removed the bandage and applied a lotion on the hand and covered it again. I couldn’t risk Lucien finding out.

I was about to go outside when I saw Eve about to knock on my door.

“Hey Sis,”

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“You’ve been marked,” she noted as she saw the mark on my shoulder and moved to seat on the chair in the room.

Shit!. I forgot to wear a cloth that’d cover the mark.

“Well….“I sighed and sat down facing her before continuing, “Lucien and I decided to accept each other as mates.”

“Wow, that’s interesting. Do you know the news going around now?”

My eyes shot up immediately. “What news?,”

“That Lucien has received many offers from Zeta elders to mate with their daughters”

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I clenched my fist and growled upon hearing that. How dare they?. He is mine,Nova said to me and I agreed with her. Lucien is ours and we will have him. I glanced at my mark and smiled,he is already mine,

“And what did Lucien say?,” I was eager to know if he still wants a strong Luna from a prominent family or He’ll protect our love. I know he loves me, I’ve seen it from the way he looks at me,the way he touches me and the way he talks to me.

“I don’t know,he didn’t tell you anything about this?,” She asked,peering into my face and I muttered a curse as I stormed out of the room.

I went to meet Lucien in the deliberation room and when Greyson and Raven saw me,they walked out,leaving the both of us alone.

“Darling…” he said as he walked closer to me,tucking a stray hair behind my ear tenderly and I pushed him away.




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Chapter 21

“What’s wrong,you don’t look good..” he was saying but I zoned out.

I was staring at his lps. They always looked to be inviting me to kss them and I swallowed hard. This isn’t why I came here.

“So which of the daughters or granddaughters will

granddaughters will you be taking this time?,”

He stared at me intently, as if to ascertain if I was serious before he burst out laughing.

“You’ve heard already?,How?,I didn’t think the news would reach you,”

“I’m in this Mansion. Whatever goes on in here, I know! That I decide to keep quiet about them does not mean that I don’t know.” I fired at him.

“Well…if the news has reached you already,then my response should’ve reached you by now.” He shot back and I gasped.

“You must’ve chosen Elder Euron’s daughter or is it Elder Felix’s?. I can’t believe. this!!,” I said,my eyes already glistening with tears.

He chuckled, “That’s funny because I remember telling Euron that I already am mated to someone.You”

My head shot up immediately. “Me?” I was surprised,but happy.

He brought my face up so my kind of vision was leveled with his. He held my cheeks with his palms,wanting me to look into his glistening grey eyes that now had gold rings around its pupil. That was a sign of his arousal.

“I love you Amara Müller. I love you so much and I was a big fool to have rejected you,” He said as he used his thumb to brush away my tears.

I sniffed and slightly nodded as our gaze locked with each other,giving me time to drink in his features and by the goddess!,he is Handsome!.

As our gazes locked,it was as if we were entrapped in a strange new world where only the two of us existed, He slowly lowered his head to mine and k*ssed me. It was tender and passionate.

I was disappointed when he eased away,taking his mouth and those lps! away from mine. I reached up and guided him back down and he kssed me back, harder this time,his mouth hot against mine,his tongue stroking,delving and teasing.



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Chapter 21

I found much joy and comfort in the act. We kept kssing and kssing until I was dizzy and my skin tingled with the need for his touch. My heart fluttered and my blood was rushing as it always did when he was close to me. I have the mate bond. to thank for that.

I was breathing the masculine scent of him and I felt faint with want and desire. I wanted him inside me right now and for the k*ss to never cease.

“Alpha I….”

We quickly broke apart when one of the security guard entered the room.

I was red with embarrassment and I put my palm over my eyes as I scrambled out quickly. I heard Lucien berating the guard for not knocking and I smiled. Lucien indeed was in love with me and I loved him back..

I met Giselle on the way to my room and she stopped me.

“I heard you’ll soon become the Luna.”

I didn’t know what to reply her with so I just smiled.

“Well..congratulations.“She said and kept on walking.

I got to my room and thankfully Eve had already left. I bolted the door behind me. and burst out laughing,reveling in the kss I just had. I licked my lps and giggled excitedly,like a teenager.

I was still giggling and imagining the ways Lucien’s tongue could excite me when the shrill ringtone of my phone jolted me back to reality.

I sighed as I saw Sherry’s name and ID pop up.

“Sherry,hey,how are you”

“I’m okay,how about you?,any luck with your children’s abductor?”

I sighed,how do I tell her that my ‘boyfriend’s‘ ex kidnapped my children?, because that’s technically how to put it in the human world.

“My brother said he has a solid lead now. How’s the hospital..?,”

“Not doing well without you here. We miss you.” She breathed out and I sighed.

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14:43 Wed, 13 Mar 297)

Chapter 21

I miss that hospital too. It has been my hobby for the past few years.

“I miss it too. And you guys. You and Raymond.”

“Jessica I need a favor.” She said and it sounded

sounded urgent.

“What favor? You know I’ll do anything for you Sherry. You’ve been a good friend.

to me.”

She has been my only friend for years and of course, I’d do anything for her.

“My Cousin was brought in here a week ago. He is diabetic but I don’t know why he suddenly fainted and since then there’s nothing I’ve not done to revive him.” I heard her sobbing lightly.

“Please Jessica,you’ve treated patients we’ve all given up on. Please come back and help my cousin. I don’t want to lose him.” She began to wail now and my heart broke.

Sherry has been so kind to me and if there’s anything I can do to help her, I will. All I need to do is go back to the human territory and treat her Cousin and come back. I can do it.

If I convince Lucien I know he will let me go.

“It’s alright Jessica. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

As soon as we said our goodbyes and I disconnected the call, I went to meet Lucien. I found him by the training ground.

“You shouldn’t have left like that..” He said as he saw me.

“I was ashamed to have been found like that..” I said and he chuckled.

“What’s there to be ashamed of? we are mates and what we were doing is perfectly normal,” he paused and smiled at someone who was standing by the other side.

“You’ve stayed too long in the human territory that you now behave like them..” I sighed and couldn’t say anything.

He was right. I behaved like the humans do,sometimes forgetting that I’m a wolf.

“I have a request to make..” he held my hand and pulled me with him as we went to sit somewhere.

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14:43 Wed, 13 Mar r

Chapter 21

“What is it?,” he questioned as he fiddled with my fingers.


“My friend in the human world. My fellow doctor Sherry. She needs my help…”

I didn’t finish speaking before he interrupted. “Don’t tell me that you want to go to the human territory!”

I sighed.

“I do Lucien. I have to. She needs me…

“There are a thousand and one doctors there,why would she need you,only you!!,” he thundered.

“Because I’m one of the best!. When you came to the human territory, who did you come to find?,Me!!!.” I almost yelled out.

“There should be others better than…

“Better than me.” I scoffed,my anger clearly visible and he sighed and took my hands into his.

“I’m sorry Amara. I’m just worried. You know..I heard you talking with a man once…you sounded like you miss him…so… I don’t want to lose you.” He said finally and I sighed.

“You won’t lose me,I promise you. And Raymond is just a friend.”


“Yes. I’ll just treat Sherry’s Cousin and come back quickly. I’ll be back before know it,”

He seemed to think about it for a while before responding.


“Fine!. But Raven will


with you.”


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