The Brilliant Mrs. Windsor Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Isabella is My Goddess

The man beat a hasty retreat, scrambling away from the school premises.

The onlooking students, even the most naive among them, realized that this was a deliberate attempt to smear Isabella’s reputation.

With doubts arising about the authenticity of the event, the

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previous rumors and gossip about

Isabella began to lose their credence.

Perhaps those were also orchestrated slanders?

Isabella, straightening her clothes, ignored the mix of puzzled and

astonished looks from the crowd and headed towards the study room.

Her photo, especially the one where


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Chapter 29: Isabella i….

she was standing dominantly over the man, quickly spread across the school’s forum. The image garnered hundreds of comments in no time.

“Damn, that’s too cool!”

“Never realized Isabella had such a badass side.”

“I declare, from now on, Isabella is my goddess!”

Although Charlotte was not at the school, she still kept up with the forum and saw the post almost immediately. She used to be the most discussed girl on the forum, apart from the gossip.

There was even a poll launched to elect the new “beauty queen” of Riverdale University, and Isabella was listed among the candidates, garnering a significant number of




Chapter 29: Isabella ….

Of course, Charlotte’s popularity wasn’t so easily shaken, and she still held more than half of the votes.

Yet, the phone in her hand was thrown to the floor in frustration. She had hoped to completely discredit Isabella this time, only to end up making her more popular.

In the study room, Isabella found a quiet spot. With finals approaching, the room was crowded, but few were graduates like herself.

It was no surprise, as most graduates had already submitted their theses. and secured jobs, making further study unnecessary.

Isabella took out the small box Master Windsor had given her, revealing a pair of earrings.

They were delicate, not at all ostentatious, and quite beautiful,



Chapter 29: Isabella ….

likely made of jade, although she wasn’t sure of the exact type.

Despite her financial needs, Isabella had no intention of selling them.

After all, they were a gesture from Master Windsor and an heirloom

from his wife, meant to be cherished.

“Is that a token of affection from someone?” a teasing voice asked from behind.

Isabella quickly put the box away and turned to find Adrian Fairwind had appeared behind her without notice.

“Mr. Fairwind, you should know it’s quite rude to pry into others‘ belongings,” she replied coolly,

unimpressed by the acknowledged campus heartthrob.

“Ms. Sterling, my family just opened



Chapter 29: Isabella i…

a new restaurant with a chef we

brought in from France. How about joining me for lunch?”

Adrian extended the invitation with

gentlemanly charm, an offer no girl at the university would typically refuse.

“Sorry, but I’m more accustomed to eating at street stalls. I’m not interested in fancy restaurants,” Isabella dismissed him outright, preparing to leave. Adrian, persistent, blocked her path.

“Ms. Sterling, nobody refuses me.”

“Well, I guess I’m the first then. I’m lucky. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” she said, pushing past him and walking out of the study room without looking back.

“Damn, a country bumpkin thinks she’s a goddess?” Adrian muttered



Chapter 29 Isabella …..

under his breath as he followed her

out, only to have a girl suddenly bump into him.

Looking down, a sly gleam crossed his eyes. One country bumpkin leaves, and a Windsor heiress

arrives–perfect timing!

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