The Brilliant Mrs. Windsor Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Her Notoriety Precedes Her

As Isabella followed Alexander into the mansion, she was immediately struck by awe.

Despite being well–traveled and having freely entered royal palaces abroad, none had ever given her such a sense of warmth and familiarity.

Entering through a long corridor lined with meticulously groomed flowers and plants, many of which Isabella couldn’t even name, she was captivated by the gardening. Alexander slowed his pace, noticing her interest.

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These are all personally tended by Master Windsor. Look all you want,

but don Nouch. Even chopping off your hands wouldn’t cover the cost of damaging them.”

Isabella’s mouth twitched at his


Chaker 20fler Notoriety.

comment, expecting nothing pleasant

from him.

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The mansion’s interior boasted an

antique yet vibrant design, with traditional gardens, pavilions, and ponds, all reflecting the dignified aura

of its owner.

“This mansion must be the work of a master designer,” Isabella couldn’t help but remark, admiring the seamless blend of antiquity and vitality.

Alexander snorted, seemingly pleased

with her observation. “Every corner

here was designed and supervised by

Master Windsor himself. Taste is

something The Windsor family naturally possesses.”

Isabella smiled wryly at his vanity, which also seemed to include a compliment to himself.

The Windsor mansion, disliking noise, employed few servants, but it didn’t



Chapter 20% Her Norority

take long for those present to notice

the newcomers.

“Mr. Alexander, you’re back.”

After a respectful greeting, all eyes landed on Isabella. It was rare for

Alexander to bring a woman home.

The servants, carefully selected by Master Windsor and having served

The Windsor for decades, watched Alexander grow up.

Now, they couldn’t hide their amusement, thinking he had finally become wise in matters of the heart.

Isabella greeted everyone with a smile. Despite her disdain for Alexander, she bore no ill will towards these


“Alex, you’re finally back!” Cecilia

greeted him with a slight whine in her voice, which somehow wasn’t


Chapter 20, Her Rolety…

Seeing his sister, a rare smile appeared on Alexander’s face as he affectionately tousled her hair.

“How’s grandfather?”

“The same. Refuses to take his

medicine, so no improvement,” Cecilia frowned, then her gaze shifted to Isabella. Recognition dawned; she remembered seeing her at school.

Isabella, an orphan adopted by The Sterling, why would Alex bring her here?

“Alex, she is…”

“My girlfriend,” Alexander stated calmly, showing no sign of deceit.

Alex, are you out of your mind? You could have any woman you want, why her? Do you have any idea? She’s

infamous at school!”

Isabella’s reputation at Riverdale

University was indeed not favorable,

Chenter 205Her Notoriety.

with rumors alleging she caused a pregnant woman to miscarry, had a chaotic personal life involving relationships with both senior and junior students, and even suggestions of being kept by someone outside.

Certainly, Isabella was aware that these malicious rumors were spread by

Charlotte, who never hesitated to

tarnish her reputation.

She felt no need to defend herself

against these accusations, believing in the principle that the innocent need not explain themselves.

She expected that once she graduated and left Riverdale University, the rumors would fade away on their own.

I trust her.”

Alexander’s casual yet firm response surprised Isabella, causing an

unexpected stir within her.


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