The Alpha’s Obsession with his Ex-Contract Luna Chapter 96

Chapter 96

“Mate,” Alpha Ansaldo responded, his gaze dark with possession as he ambled towards Bree. “What is your name? I’m Alpha Ansaldo.” Bree was not there when he arrived last night.

After that night at the gala awards, Sheridan had broken every form of communication with him but also did well not to tell anyone about how he drugged her, except Goldie. Alpha Ansaldo had been drowning in his guilt.

Recently, pack business brought him and Alpha Nick together again. They had briefly discussed that night, and he only disclosed how he escorted Sheila but had no intimate relationship with her.

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Their friendship was rekindled, so when Alpha Nick needed other Alphas to buy into his new factory business, Alpha Ansaldo was the first on the list, and he quickly accepted the

offer, feeling lucky.

Who knew that something more pleasant awaited him in this pack, as he just found his


“I’m Bree, Alpha Nick’s sister,” Bree’s gaze never left his. Strange thoughts and emotions muffled her brain cells.

The two locked eyes, lost in each other with their faces inching up closely. Before their lips met, the door to the Alpha’s chamber opened.

“What’s going on? Alpha Ansaldo, that is my sister. Is it out of habit that you always have an interest in what is mine?” Alpha Nick was not amused by the fact that Alpha Ansaldo was about to kiss Bree.

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At first, it was Sheila, and now his mate. Alpha Ansaldo pulled away with a frown but instinctively circled his arms around Bree’s small waist. As for Sheila, Alpha Nick had


every right to be upset with him, but Bree was his, and nobody would take her away from him.

“Alpha Nick, your sister is my mate. She will become my Luna, so I will take her with me, and you will not stop me,” he daringly said. Bree was suddenly nervous, not wanting to leave without seeing Sheila.

“When are we supposed to leave?” she asked, puzzled.

“In three days,” Alpha Ansaldo replied, calming her anxious nerves.

“Okay. That’s fine.”

Alpha Nick suddenly felt nostalgic. His sister was going to leave his pack for good. Though always making it seem as though she was a nuisance, the realization brought an

emptiness in his heart.

“You’ll leave with him?” he asked. Bree was confused.

“He’s my mate, so why should I stay? Wasn’t it the reason you wanted to organize a party for me? You don’t have to do so anymore. Besides, you will have Sheila by your side, and it’s not as if you like my being around anyways.”

Alpha Nick was saddened. “I might not like your being around because I always feel you’ll come back, but now that you found your mate, it won’t be easy. Luna responsibilities aren’t easy too.”

Bree never imagined being mated to an Alpha, never taking an interest in pack

management, but for the sake of her mate, she was ready to take things seriously. After all, packs were different, and it was not as if she was going to be the Luna of the Dark

Moon Pack.

It was rather the River Bed Pack. “I will learn, and you must attend my coronation,” she


said seriously, already missing her big brother. Alpha Nick smiled. This showed that his sister was all grown, so he had to be happy for her.

“I will, but while you are still here, please supervise the maids to prepare eight rooms. One for Sheila’s cousin and the remaining for her brothers.”

“Is Sheridan coming?” Alpha Ansaldo was nervous and asked. “I want my mate to share my room.” He did not want anything going wrong with Sheila’s visit. If the drugging incident was revealed, his mate might hate him for it, so it was better to mark and mate with her before then.

After waiting for so long to find her, he could not afford to mess things up. Alpha Nick had a prideful look in his eyes at the thought of Sheila. He did not deserve her, but she was his, and he planned to make her happy. So happy, she would regret running away before.

“Yes, and she’ll be staying forever. We are back together, but don’t ask me any more questions. I won’t answer them,” he said half–jokingly upon seeing Alpha Ansaldo’s questionable gaze. Though he hadn’t slept well, his mood was pleasant.

“Bree, tell the kitchen to also cook a lot of meals. I will wake Alpha Seiko, Knight, and Lobo. Then I will speak to mom to entertain their Lunas so we can all have some time together after training.” Alpha Nick was all smiles. Tonight was going to be like a festival with all these Alphas around.

“Good morning, Alpha.” The door of the beta’s room pushed open as Beta Dustin stepped out, dressed in his training gear.

“It’s good you are awake, Dustin. Inform the warriors at the gate that visitors from the Moon Shine Pack should be let in without protocol, but I should be informed of their arrival.” Alpha Nick had something special prepared for his woman.

“Yes, Alpha. I will head to training now,” Beta Dustin beamed. Alpha Nick instructed behind him.



“Start the warm–up. I will come with my comrades.”

Unknown to them, Tom was just standing behind his door with his ears glued against it. He heard everything and caught up to Charlotte, who was hastening to training.

“Charlotte, I have news.”

Charlotte was hastening ahead, afraid of being seen with Tom. “What is it? Keep a distance. Don’t let them see. I heard gossips that we are too close. Some say it’s the reason Alpha Nick no longer gives me attention.”

Tom scoffed. He would have been afraid if he had not heard what Alpha Nick said to Alpha Ansaldo.

“You won’t be the only one cheating. I heard Alpha Nick telling Alpha Ansaldo that Sheila is coming back.”

Charlotte froze and turned around. Her face had lost its color. “What? Impossible.”

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