The Star Parivaar Awards is an accolade given by Star Plus to promote the characters and programs aired by itself. Star Parivar Awards 2018 is back with the Latest Star and Jodies Nominations List. See Who are Nominated for the SPA 2018 on Vote for them online. See How to Vote. Star Parivaar Awards 2018 Vote online on official website Step by Step Guide mentioned below.
The first Star Parivaar Awards ceremony was held on July 3, 2003 in Mumbai, India to honour outstanding portrayal of the characters from the shows of Star Plus of the 2002-03 television season. The award ceremonies are usually held at the mid of the year. During the fifth edition the nominations declared had the nominees of last five years. Every year star parivaar awards has a specified theme.
Star Parivaar Awards 2018 VOTE (How To Vote Online)
- Log on to Star Parivar Awards 2018 official website
- Log in via Google Account Username and Passwords
- Select the Nominated Jodie or TV Actors
- Submit your Vote and you are done.
You can Logon to official website and do Voting. To Vote for the Nominated Jodies, you have to First Log on to Website via Google Account.
These rules for voting (“Terms and Conditions”) shall be binding on each viewer (“Viewer(s)”, “Your” and/or “You”), in India for the Internet voting mechanism, as stated below (“Territory”) who voluntarily desire to participate in the Voting Mechanism (as defined hereunder) of the contest titled “STAR PARIVAAR AWARDS 2018 – (“Contest”) as a part of the program titled “STAR PARIVAAR AWARDS 2018” (“Program”) produced by Star India Private Limited (“STAR India”) aired on STAR Plus (“Channel”).
The Voting Mechanism(as detailed below in paragraph 4) is applicable only for the Contest and shall be open in the Territory on 2nd October, 2018 from 00:30 hours Indian Standard Time (IST)and will conclude onto 4thOctober,2018 at 23:59 hours IST for theInternet voting mechanism as set out below in paragraph 4below(“Period”) (both dates inclusive).STAR India reserves all rights to make amendments to the Period or such other terms and conditions stated herein, wthout giving prior notice. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Viewer (s) to check the Terms and Conditions for the Contest on the Channel and /or the Website from time to time. STAR Indiaalso reserves the right to cancel and/or postpone the Contest without any prior intimation to the Viewer (s).
The Voting Mechanism for the Contest during the Period within the Territory is as provided below:
To cast his /her Vote for their favorite Nominee(s)under each Category. The Viewers shall during the Period,log on to Website by following the instructions specified therein(“Vote”)
It is clarified that a Viewer can vote only 1(one) time for a particular Nominee under a particular Category through a particular email address.
For sake of clarity before Voting, the Viewer shall be mandatorily required to submitData. Any unclear/incorrect/incomplete information, including but not limited to typing wrong characters shall be considered invalid and deemed null and void. For the avoidance of doubt, by submitting the Votes, the Viewer(s) is representing that the entry or contents thereof are not confidential or comprise any sensitive personal information
The Vote of the Viewer(s) through the Internet will be deemed to be received when the session is completed and the Viewer receives a thank you message.
If any costs are incurred by the Viewer to participate in the voting process shall be solely borne by the Viewer. Votes received by STAR India after Period will not be considered and shall be deemed null and void without requirement of any further intimation by STAR India.
Vote for your Favorite Jodi or Actors on Star Parivaar Awards 2018 Website and Support them to be the Awards Winner.