Shared By The Twin Alphas Chapter 6

Chapter 6


The score is even between my team and Ada’s team. I still haven’t touched the ball, but Logan and Eric still haven’t given up hope on me. They pass me genuine smiles, and it actually feels like we are a team, not just me, the servant, and my two masters playing volleyball.

We keep playing, and then, finally, it happens: I manage to hit the ball! It’s a miracle come true, and in that moment, I’m happy for my achievement–even if Ada manages to send the ball flying back over at me with incredible force. It hits me right on my face causing me to fall into the sand in pain… followed by a burst of laughter from everyone around us,

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Ada’s friends included.

“She is so fucking clumsy!” Giselle erupts and gives Ada a high–five for managing to hit the ball in my face.

Tori joins in on the fun, too, and smirks down at me with her gleeful eyes. “Such a

weakling and also a slut for thinking she has a chance with the twins just because they accepted her on their team,” she laughs. “They only did that because they felt bad for you. You’re a charity case, Five.”

Her words hurt, but not enough to make me cry. I just continue to lie there with grains of sand sticking all over my arms and legs while different emotions battle inside of me embarrassment from falling after getting hit in the face, but also accomplishment because I managed to hit the ball!

A smile graces my lips, but it’s washed away the second I feel a pair of strong hands grab underneath my arms. My entire body turns tense at the touch. I think I even feel butterflies in my belly, and I gasp in shock when I’m lifted to my feet by none other than


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Chapter 6

Why is he helping me?



I stare up at his face, shocked and unsure whether to speak or not. He is wearing a strange expression and grips his fingers around my wrist, inspecting my arm. “You’re hurt…”

I grimace. “It’s just a scrape. It will heal.”

Logan ignores me and turns his attention to Ada. He growls low in his throat, and everyone goes silent. Most people here are werewolves from his pack, and I’m baffled when Eric steps forward until he is face–to–face with Ada.

She looks up at him with nervous eyes. “Hey, what’s up, Eric? W–why are you looking at

me like that?”

He smirks, but it’s dark and dangerous. “You hit that ball hard on purpose, didn’t you?”

Ada’s eyes widen with fear. “W–what? No! O–of course not!”

Ignoring her, Eric grabs Ada’s chin between two digits so hard that she yelps, but he still doesn’t let go. He is forcing her to keep looking at him. “I hope you understand that while Five is our servant and we are allowed to do whatever we please with her, the same doesn’t apply to you. We are the only ones allowed to tease and touch her, but you? You need to be punished for hurting her.”

The Alpha then lets go of Ada, and she flinches, rubbing her chin where Eric’s fingers left a mark. “W–what sort of punishment are we talking about here? What are you going to do to me?” Her voice is thick with anxiousness.

“I don’t know yet,” Eric replies. “But I will have time to think about something since I’m not going to punish you now. I have an injured servant to tend to,” he glares around the field. “Everyone is dismissed. As the Alpha of the Wintercrest pack, I decide this class is

officially over.”



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Chapter 6



Everyone scatters away after Eric has spoken, and my heart skips a beat when Logan takes. a step forward. His intense, almost–black eyes roam over my face.

“Poor little Five,” he murmurs, his breath hot on my face as his palm land on my cheek. He traces my jawline with his thumb. There is a small cut there, and when I wince, he tries not to laugh. “Hurt again.”

“Guess we will have to lick her wounds again,” Eric’s voice is rougher, and I shiver when he grips my hair. His hands are surprisingly gentle, and I turn into a block of ice when I feel his tongue lick my neck. I didn’t even know I scraped that place, but it does sting when he presses his mouth there.

My eyes close, and my heart hammers inside my chest. The urge to run is strong. I have not clue what the twins are doing, whether or not this is another one of their games. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was. They had plenty of those in the past, and I’m…concerned. But I’m also, embarrassingly enough, extremely turned on by the attention they are giving

“I wouldn’t mind licking you again,” Logan murmurs into my ear while his hand grabs the hem of my oversized t–shirt. His fingers are teasing the skin there, forcing me to bite my lip

so that I won’t moan from his touch..

But even though I’m aroused, I’m not brain–dead. I know this means nothing, that I’m just being played with, so it doesn’t take long before my eyes snap open.

“S–stop,” I mutter, pushing Logan’s hands away from my body as I lock eyes with him. “No games…please. I just want to head home and clean myself.”

“Stop when I can smell your arousal?” Logan sounds amused and nibbles on my earlobe.

His tongue is warm and soft, and his large hand lands on my stomach. He chuckles. “Someone is very soft here.”

My hackles rise. “Y–you don’t have to touch me.”



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Chapter 6

He lifts an eyebrow at me. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”

When I glare at Logan, Eric chuckles to my side. He is busy gripping my ass and adds, “We love women with curves, and even though your parents half–starved you, we both can tell this body is going to be great with some proper food.”

“I make a mean lasagna,” Logan whispers into my ear. “I can make it for you sometime, but tonight, all I really want to eat for dinner is you.”

Eat me?

What kind of game are they playing with me now?!

Sick of being teased and played with, I try to shrink away, but Eric is standing right behind me, and instead of escaping, I back straight into his chest. I lift my head in silent panic, and he cocks his head to the side, looking amused. “You going somewhere, Duchess?”

“Ummm…” My heartbeat is so embarrassingly loud within my ribcage that I’m certain both

the twins can hear it.

“Why are you trying to get away from me?” Logan asks and frowns down at me.

He looks so incredibly pissed off that I, for a moment, worry he is going to hurt me. I want to run since I know he is about to do something, and before I can react, he steals the show. by planting a kiss on my cheek that makes my pulse go BOOM–BOOM–BOOM against my


“Not fair!” Eric growls before kissing my neck–to say it feels good would be the understatement of the year. Explosions of pleasure are going off within me. I feel tingly and naughty and so utterly taken care of.

It’s confusing. I shouldn’t like this. Eric and Logan used to bully me in the past, and they haven’t been especially nice since I arrived at their mansion, either. Yet, in some dark.




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Chapter 6

place in my mind, I wish this would be taken a step further.

“You smell like vanilla,” Eric mutters against my neck, and I can feel him smiling against my neck. “Am I a total sap for liking it?”

no no longer making out with my “No, because I like it too,” Logan replies in a calm voice cheek but staring down at my lips longingly. I blush at the attention he is giving me. A ghost of a smile fleets over his lips in response, and I must be out of my mind because find it charming. “Unless we are both total saps?”

Are they…are they flirting with me?


I stare at them both, lost in my own confusion, until a new supernatural class approaches the field. The twins immediately retract themselves from me.

“See you later at home,” Logan says, a smirk glittering over his flirtatious face as he waves at me. His expression makes him look like a Disney prince, while Eric appears intimidating with his arms crossed over his muscular chest.

“Don’t be late,” he mutters, his nostrils flaring. “I need help with my homework later.”

I squint at him. “A–after all that, and I’m still seen as a slave?” I ask in disbelief. What kind of game are they playing?

I wait for an answer, but it never comes. The twins probably didn’t even hear me over the voices of the new people running across the sand. I’m left alone and move my hand to my neck. The area is pulsating–did Eric leave a hickey?!

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