Shared By The Twin Alphas Chapter 46

Chapter 46


“Are those two my daddies?‘ Henrik asks me as we approach a herd of werewolves fighting each other. Alphal Johan is there, and so is Ada, and the rest of the Swani pack.

I wrinkle my

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nose in disgust, and anger pulsates through my veins when I see Alpha Johan attacking the twins- my fated mates and Henrik’s dads, whom he has never met.

“The two big werewolves fighting Alpha Johan and Ada are your daddies.”

‘Eric and Logan?‘ Henrik asks just to make sure. He already sounds excited even though we are hovering over a full–blooded battle between packs.


Henrik pauses. ‘But they are so small…‘

“No, honey, you’re just huge.”

It’s true. If my little baby dragon grows any bigger, I fear I won’t be able to feed him. What does he even eat at this size? He is monstrous, and it’s a miracle he still respects me when it’s obvious he could easily turn on me

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since he is the size of a mountain.

‘I had to grow up…‘ Henrik mumbles. ‘Mama was in trouble, and when dragons have to grow up fast, they do


Those words pique my curiosity. “Baby, how old would you be in human years?”

*…I don’t know…maybe nine?‘

By the moon goddess, he is still a baby! I feel bad for bringing him to the battlefield, but one look down changes my opinion scarily fast. Alpha Johan is tearing into Logan with the help of three other pack members. Eric is trying to fight off a flock of wolves on the other side of the hill, but things aren’t looking good.

The Swani pack is bigger, even if the vampires and Margaret are fighting with us.




Chapter 46

‘Tell me what to do.”

My gaze drifts to Henrik. He is waiting for my order, and I swallow thickly. The drugs are running out of system, and although my magic has never listened to me before, I have a feeling it will today.

Because this is life or death.


“Bring me closer to the ground, baby. I will freeze every enemy werewolf on the field, and then your job is to burn them alive when they can’t move. Can you do that for me?”

‘With pleasure, Mama.”

I can hear the eagerness in his words and feel the heat of his determination as he brings us closer to the ground. The winds blow in my face, and I hold on tightly to his scales as he descends. Some people look up, and I hear

Eric’s shocked voice inside my head.

‘Five? Is that…you? Where did you find the dragon?‘ he asks through telepathy.

I smile in his direction. “Say hello to our son, Henrik!”

With that, I pray to the moon goddess, and by some miracle, I release a wave of frosty magic over the battlefield. Every werewolf not part of the Wintercrest pack is instantly encased in ice, frozen in their tracks.

Henrik roars and screeches. ‘Impressive, Mamal

“Now it’s your turn, son,” I tap an area of his neck where he seems more sensitive. “Burn them to bits!”

‘I’m on it!‘

Fire blasts from his mouth, and screams and wolfish yelps echo across the fields as our enemies try to escape, but Henrik’s flames are relentless, scorching them where they stand.

‘Done, Mama,’ Henrik says after a while.

Pride swells in my chest, but it’s replaced by fear when I spot Alpha Johan; he somehow managed to avoid my icy spell and Henrik’s flames. He continues to tear into Logan’s flank with brutal ferocity. Eric is still fighting off a few remaining wolves that escaped our attack, but he’s bleeding heavily and struggling to stay upright.

“Henrik,” I whisper, my voice shaky with growing fear. “We need to help them.”





‘Okay.’ His response is prompt, followed by an already familiar sensation of warmth and power as he prepares.

another stream of fire.

“No flames,” I say quickly. “We would risk harming Eric and Logan too. We need something less….destructive.”

Henrik pauses, confused; he’s never really fought before. He rumbles questioningly in my mind.

I think quickly, scrolling through everything I know about dragons their abilities, their instincts….

“How about you just…eat him?”

Will he think my idea is disgusting? He is a dragon, and I just thought it could be…normal for him.

And Henrik doesn’t seem disgusted, just curious. “And you won’t be afraid if I…eat a werewolf?‘

“No, honey. I know you’re on Mama’s side.”

He purrs when I place my trust in him a sign of his loyalty and devotion. Could he get any cuter? 1 think not. My baby is the best son ever.

‘All right then, Mama.”

His voice is filled with fascinating determination – and a bit of childlike excitement. He swoops down without waiting for another word. Logan and Eric look at us, their eyes wide, and jaws drop as Henrik opens his mouth. Alpha Johan, still too invested in tearing into Logan’s flesh, is oblivious to the death hovering above him.

Too late, he notices; too late, he tries to change his animal form back to human – but it’s too late for everything. Henrik snaps closed his powerful jaws around him. There’s a terrified whimper that barely has time to echo before silence descends upon the battlefield.

I’m still sitting on his back, waiting for Henrik to say anything.

Finally, he does.

‘It… doesn’t taste like chicken,‘ Henrik comments innocently after swallowing his ‘meal‘. He sounds mildly

disappointed and curious all at once.

I can’t help but laugh at his comment despite the situation, “No, darling,” I manage through my laughter. “I don’t think werewolves are known for tasting like chicken.”




Chapter 46

With this, the battlefield falls silent- save for the ragged breaths from our wounded friends below. The enemy werewolves that survive are scampering away into the night, terrified yelps trailing behind them as they catch sight of my enormous son.

‘Did I do well, Mama?‘ Henrik asks and I’m about to answer him when I’m interrupted by Eric.

“Okay,” he says, arms crossed over his muscular, naked chest as he studies me. “You’ve got some explaining to


Before I can do anything, Logan blurts out, “How could you just leave us?!”

Is he mad at me? I slide down from Henrik’s back, expecting an argument, but instead, I’m hugged by the twins. They both bend in half to cuddle with me, kiss my cheeks, and just rain down love all over me.

“Never leave us again!” Eric growls.

Logan nods his head, agreeing, although he is already in tears and not half as tough as his brother. “I’ve been so fucking worried about you. I thought you left us never to return before the moon goddess visited me in my


“The moon goddess?” I ask in disbelief.

“Yeah,” Logan smiles. “She visited us both and said we were idiots for thinking you ran away. Then she told us someone had taken you, and we immediately suspected Ada. We tailed her and learned that her father was secretly the Alpha of another pack that steals members from…well, every pack they can find. They are horrible.”

“But gone…” Henrik says, causing the twins to pause and look up at the huge dragon. There is a moment of silence before my mates look at me.

“Why do I feel like there’s a bond between me and the dragon?” Eric asks. “And wait, did everyone just hear his voice inside their heads?”

“I did…” Logan glances between me and Henrik. “I also have this odd urge to…protect him.”

‘That’s because you’re all my parents!”

Before any of us can react, Henrik shape–shifts into a human, and suddenly, there is a fourth person in the group hug: a young boy who can’t be older than nine with fluffy blue hair and pale skin. I’m…baffled.



Yo Yo



Chapter 46

“Y–you…you can shape–shift into a human?” I ask as I stare down at Henrik. He might be younger than me, but he isn’t THAT much shorter than me. Holy hell, my baby is going to be huge once he is done growing.

“I didn’t know that I could…” Henrik mumbles shyly before giving me a sweet smile. “I just wanted to hug my parents, and…this happened. You’re not weirded out?”

I smile at him. “Not at all. I love you, baby,” I mean it with all of my heart and then look up at the twins. “I love you guys, too, and I hope you will take care of Henrik, too.”

“Of course we will,” Logan immediately replies, his voice hoarse from the tears that he’s shed. He’s still holding onto me tightly, and there’s a sense of disbelief that permeates through him as he looks down at Henrik. “We’re… we’re family.”

“You’re our son,” Eric says slowly as if testing how the words feel coming out of his mouth. He reaches out to ruffle Henrik’s hair gently and says firmly, “And we protect our own.”

Henrik beams up at Eric, his pale cheeks glowing with delight. “I’m so happy,” he whispers before launching himself at Eric to hug him tightly too. I can see Eric tense for a second before melting into it, hugging our son


There’s a moment of peace before Logan suddenly clears his throat and beams at us. “Now that the battle is over with, how about we all head home?”

I laugh. “I’ve been waiting to hear that all month.”


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