Shared By The Twin Alphas Chapter 30

Chapter 30


After spending the entire night with Eric, I’m doing the walk of shame…if it can even be called that, since we didn’t have sex. We spent the entire night cuddling. It was probably more romantic for me than it was for Eric since he had to fight his bloodthirst the whole


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As I walk down the corridor, Logan rounds the corner with a mischievous smile. “Did you sleep with my brother last night? Is the deed done?” he asks.

I roll my eyes. “No, we didn’t have sex, and he didn’t mark me either. That’s something we must do when we are all three together, right?”

His lips twitch with amusement. “Right…anyway, there has been a murder during the night. The werewolves in our pack are blaming the vampires, and Margaret is crying inside your office since she claims her people are innocent.”

I blink. “My office?”

He grins. “You apparently have one now. Margaret is waiting for you in the office upstairs. My father isn’t happy about it. Come to think of it, he hasn’t talked to you yet, has he?”

Terror grips me. “About what? Why would the former Alpha want to speak with me?”

“Uh, because you’re my mate? You’re also Eric’s mate, but of course, that doesn’t matter to him since we are keeping him in the dark about Eric’s resurrection.”

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I swallow hard, my heart pounding in my chest. “Right, of course.” I follow Logan up the stairs to my office, trying to ignore the glares from the cleaning staff from our pack and the tension in the air. I can sense the anger and fear rolling off of them in waves. They don’t want the vampires on our side or part of the pack and probably blame me for taking


Emergency calls only

Chapter 30

them in. In their eyes, the murder is my fault.



I shake that thought away and open the door. Margaret is sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk that is now mine, her eyes red and puffy from crying. As soon as I enter the room, she jumps up and throws herself at me, sobbing uncontrollably.

“Please, Luna, you have to believe us. We didn’t kill him. It wasn’t us!” she wails.

I hold her tightly, trying to soothe the shaking pureblood. “I believe you, Margaret. But we need to figure out who did it. Can you give me any information that might help? Also,” I look at Logan. “Has anyone been at the crime scene? What does it look like?”

She nods, sniffling. “Logan has been there. He can tell you in better detail.”

Logan leans against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. “It happened sometime after midnight. One of your pack members, a young werewolf girl named Emily, was found dead this morning. Our pack is blaming the vampires.”


are trying

to make friends, not enemies! Plus, if we were responsible for this heinous crime, we would not have been so blatantly obvious about it–Emily was hung from the eaves of her house. And she was upside down! It was grotesque and not the style of a vampire.”

s grow louder. “It wasn’t us!” she exclaims through her tears. ”

I release Margaret from my embrace, nodding in understanding. “Thank you for telling me, Margaret. I believe you. And I will do everything in my power to find out who killed.


Logan clears his throat, drawing my attention to him. “There’s one more thing, Luna,” his lips twitch when he says Luna because since we aren’t mated yet, I’m not officially the Luna of the pack yet. “My father, the former Alpha, is waiting for you outside the pack house. He wants to speak with you. Alone. But if that makes you uncomfortable, I will with you.”


Emergency calls only

Chapter 30



I suck my lips into my mouth, considering Logan’s offer. I’ve never met his father face–to- face, but I know that he isn’t a good person. I heard him that night when he hit Eric and Logan, and since he got physical with his own sons, it says a lot about him as a person.

But I can’t let my fear stop me from doing what needs to be done. “No, Logan. I appreciate your offer, but I need to do this on my own. Margaret, please stay here until I come back.”


Margaret nods, wiping the tears from her eyes. I gather my wits and step outside, closing the door behind me. The former Alpha, Johan, is waiting for me in the garden. He is a tall man with broad shoulders and a thick beard. His eyes are cold and calculating as he looks. me up and down.

“So, you’re my son’s mate and the future Luna,” he says, his voice dripping with condescension. “I heard you’ve already taken an office as your own.

I stand my ground, refusing to back down. “I’m trying to help find out who killed Emily. We need to work together to solve this.”

Joseph snorts. “I don’t need your help. My pack can handle our own affairs. You’re not the Luna yet, child.”

I take a step closer to him, my eyes blazing with determination. “It doesn’t matter who or what I am. There are people that need my help, and I’m going to help them. It’s not just your pack that’s affected by this. The vampires are being blamed for Emily’s death, and if we don’t find out who really did it, there could be a war between our two groups. Do you want that on your conscience?”

Johan’s eyes narrow into slits as his gaze shifts to mine. “You think you know what’s best for my pack, but you don’t understand the danger that comes with siding with the vampires.”

“They didn’t do this,” I hiss. “They are innocent.”

Emergency calls only

Chapter 30

“You really think so?”



“I know so, and it would be in my best interest if you helped me find out who the real culprit was.”

Joseph glares at me, but I can see a flicker of doubt in his eyes. “Fine. I will talk to my contacts and try to figure out who did this. You can expect me to report back to your tomorrow. Meet me here at eight. Alone.”

I hand him an uneasy smile, knowing that this could be a trap but also knowing that I have to take the risk.


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