Shared By The Twin Alphas Chapter 3

Chapter 3


I’ve spent most of the day cleaning the large mansion, and I’m almost done for the day. The twins are training with the warriors of our pack in the garden, but I haven’t dared look outside even once. I’m scared the twins would punish me if I looked away from my job for even one second, which is why I’m vacuuming the kitchen as if my life depended on it.

Suddenly, a group of young werewolf girls opens the door to the mansion. I can hear them giggling and laughing as they walk through the corridor, clearly up to no good. I hope they aren’t headed for the kitchen, but no such luck.

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Three werewolf girls soon pop–up at the door opening, and their laughter is replaced with smirks when they see me. One of them steps forward, brushing her long brown hair out of her, and she smiles at me sinisterly.

“What do we have here?” she asks in a mocking voice, looking around the kitchen with disdain. “It looks like someone needs to do a better job cleaning this old place.” She clicks her tongue and walks around the kitchen, looking at all the surfaces I’ve just cleaned.

The other girls follow suit, walking around and commenting on the dirt on the floor. My heart sinks into my stomach as I watch them mock my hard work.

“This place needs to be cleaned better,” one of them says and grabs a full pitcher of water from the counter before hurling it onto the floor on purpose.

Immediately, all the girls fall into a fit of laughter as an enormous puddle forms on the


“That’s way better!” The leader of the trio says and tilts her head, eyeing me with a huge grin. “You’re Five, right? We used to go to the same high school. I’m Ada. Remember me? Of course, you don’t. I’m much prettier now, aren’t I? And you?” she looks me up and

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Chapter 3

down and snorts, “You’re even more of a nerd now. How short are you? Five–foot-


I try to keep my composure and not let their words hurt me, but it’s easier said than done.

As an Omega without a wolf, I’m used to being bullied. But for some reason, having girls my age bully me hurts on a deeper plane. I had hoped becoming the twin’s servant would open up new doors in my life and that I could start over, but it seems everything is the same: I’m still a weakling, and the popular girls are here to remind me of my place.

“Yes, I remember you,” I say quietly, trying not to let my voice shake. But I’m barely keeping it together. “I’m sorry, but I must finish cleaning up this mess.”

I grab a mop that’s leaning against the wall, but the other two girls quickly grab me by each arm without warning and push me onto the wet floor. The cold water seeps into my clothes, and they all snicker at me from above.

I grit my teeth and try to push myself back up, but Ada presses her foot down on my back. She is wearing white sneakers that dig into my skin.

“Looks like the little nerd can’t even stand up,” Ada taunts. “You’re just a pathetic little Omega, aren’t you? Born to be our servant.”

I can feel the anger and fear boiling up inside me, and my body starts to tremble. I try to push myself up again, but Ada presses down even harder and laughs with her friends.

“Look at this pathetic wolfless creature. Does she actually think she can win this fight?” she snorts, and I can visualize her shaking her head. “Apologize.”

I freeze. “F–for what?”

“For what…” She repeats as if the answer should be honest when I haven’t done anything wrong. But when I don’t say anything, she kicks me down again. My face gets crushed to


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cleaning the floors properly, and that’s a very important job, Five.”

When I still don’t speak, Ada continues talking.

u apologize


“My future husband should have a house in tip–top, and oh, that’s right. I’m marrying Logan…or maybe Eric? I haven’t decided on which twin I want yet. All I know is I will make the perfect Luna of the Wintercrest pack. I’m so kind and beautiful. Everyone loves me.”

Kind? Is she delusional?

I don’t know where I get air from, but at that moment, I forget my fear and blurt out, “I’m

sorry that you think treating others poorly is a sign of strength. And I’m sorry that you’ll never understand what it truly means to be kind. You’re rude, and you’ll always be.”

The three girls gasps at me in shock, as if they can’t believe I had the audacity to speak back to them. But I don’t care. My eyes are puffy, and I’m crying, but I’m done being pushed around.

I start to push myself up. This time, Ada is too shocked to stop me, but as soon as I’m

standing up, she grabs the collar of my neck with her nails turning into claws. Her eyes are glowing red as they zero in on mine.

“You think you’re so tough, Five?” she snarls. “Let’s see how tough you are after I’ve destroyed your face.”

Before I can react, Ada’s claws rake across my cheeks, and I scream in pain. The metallic

scent of blood fills the kitchen, and I can feel the wetness of it dripping down my face. My

vision becomes blurry with tears, and I stumble backward, clutching my face.

The girls gasp in horror at what she had done, but none of them have the courage to speak up against her.


Emergency calls only

Chapter 3

Ada tilts her head and pouts. “Aww, are you crying now, little Omega? What is the matter?

Did it hurt?”

Before I can answer, Ada steps forward and grips my hair, pulling it back and forth. I cry out, and she laughs like a maniac before kicking me down on the floor.

I land hard on the ground, barely able to catch my breath, before she kicks me again. She keeps kicking me until she has had her way with me, until I’m in too much pain to move.

“That suits you right,” Ada says above me, beyond satisfied with her work. “Maybe this will teach you to respect your future, Luna, and master because trust me, Five, one of the twins shall be mine. They both need mates and since they haven’t found their fated mates yet, they are up for grabs. And I’m the strongest female werewolf in the pack–I will definitely become the next Luna.”

With that, Ada turns on her heel, and the other girls silently follow her while I lie there, battered and broken. The pain is unbearable, and I can’t hold back the whimpers leaving my bleeding mouth.

What did I do to deserve this?

I try to stand but almost fall down. I’m dizzy, and my vision is getting blurry. Yet I manage to slowly lift my head to see the damage Ada has done to me in the window’s reflection. There are three deep scratches on the right side of my face, and I wince. The blood is still flowing freely from the open wounds, and it won’t stop.

“Towel…” I mumble to myself, but before I can make it to the kitchen counter, I fall down on the floor. It must be a combination of stress, blood loss, and the fact I haven’t eaten ever since I came here, and before I know it, the world around me goes entirely dark.


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