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Redeem My Rejected Luna And Genius Quadruplets Chapter 45

Chapter 45


My heart hammered against my ribs, pounding a frantic rhythm that threatened to drown out the sound of my own shallow breathing. Adrian’s question hung in the air, heavy and laden with desire.

“Do you want me, Tessa?” he had whispered, his voice husky with an emotion I couldn’t quite decipher. Longing? What the hell was it?

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Daphne, my wolf, stirred within me, a wild, primal creature yearning to break free. She craved the closeness between Adrian and I, the heat radiating from Adrian’s b*dy, the intoxicating scent of lavender that filled my senses. A treacherous part of me, a part I hadn’t known existed, whispered a soft and dangerous “yes” In my consciousness.

But reason, fragile as it was, intervened and saved me before I did something I would regret. This wasn’t the time. We were in the middle of a crisis, the pack was under quarantine, and I was a medic not his mate. No, I couldn’t succumb to this sudden, unexpected longing that he had stirred within.

With a strength I didn’t know I even possessed, I gently pushed him away. The touch felt electric, sending a jolt through me even as I created distance.

“N–no, Adrian,” I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. This isn’t… this isn’t a good idea.” I couldn’t bring myself to look into his eyes.

Shame burned hot on my cheeks, and I looked away, unable to meet his gaze. The silence stretched between us, thick and suffocating. It felt like an eternity but was actually just a few minutes before he finally spoke, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment.

“I apologize, Tessa,” he said bowing his head slightly. “I shouldn’t have cornered you like that. It was… inappropriate.” he admitted.

Relief washed over me like a fog at his words.

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“It’s… it’s fine,” I mumbled, forcing a smile that wavered slightly on my lips.

There was a brief silence.

“No, it’s not,” he countered, his voice low and firm. “This…” he gestured vaguely between us, his arms. flailing around. “this pull, this tension… it’s confusing, isn’t it?” He looked at me, his gaze almost begging to me answer.

I could only nod, a lump forming in my throat. Confusing? It was a full–blown emotional turmoil, threatening to tear me apart.

“That’s how it is For me too,” he admitted, his voice softer now, “Seeing you again, after everything.. it’s awakened something in me. Something I can’t quite explain. I’ve told you before and I’ll say it again. I LOVE YOU”

His words sent a shiver down my spine. Was he admitting to it again? But how could that be? We

Chapter 45th

were from different worlds, bound by a past that felt like a lifetime ago. We didn’t make it in our first chance and I had a feeling that we wouldn’t also make it in this new Chance. Not that I wanted to make it work, hell no.

“Adrian, we can’t…” I started, the words catching in my throat. I couldn’t bring myself to do.

“Can’t what, Tessa?” he challenged, his dark eyes searching mine. “Can’t talk about this? Can’t acknowledge what’s happening between us? Can’t we just do that? Talk?”

His bluntness took me aback. A part of me admired his honesty, but another part recoiled from the raw vulnerability he was laying bare. It made me nervous.

This isn’t the time, I finally managed, my voice shaky. “We have more important things to worry about right now. The pack, the plague” i said worriedly.

He sighed, a deep, frustrated sound that signalled how frustrated he was. “You’re right,” he conceded, running a hand through his neat hair. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t… explore this later. When things have settled down.”

My heart hammered in my chest. Was he suggesting… what I thought he was suggesting? The very thought sent a thrill of excitement and fear coursing through me.

“I… I don’t know, Adrian,” I stammered, unsure of how to respond.

“Just think about it, Tessa, he said, his voice softer now as he gripped me slightly. “Please.”

He didn’t push the issue any further, for which I was grateful. The walk back to the med bay was -filled with an unspoken tension that crackled between us. Every stolen glance, every brush of our shoulders as we walked sent shivers down my spine. I held the tray of food desperately in my hands.

At the med bay doors, I stopped him. Now, he could leave. However, There was a million things wanted to say, a million questions swirling in my head. But the words wouldn’t come. “Thank you for the food,” I said finally, my voice barely a croak. Was that really the best I could do? Sometimes the bullshit that came out from my mouth shocked me Also.

His fingers brushed against mine as he stared at me, sending another jolt of electricity through me. He held my gaze for a beat too long, his dark eyes searching mine, trying to decipher the expression in them, he wouldn’t find anything, I had nothing in my heart for him.

“Tessa…” he started, his voice hesitant and hoarse but low

But I couldn’t take it anymore. The raw vulnerability in his voice, the unspoken desire in his said it more, why did he have desire for me? I couldn’t help but feel a really annoying blush creeping up to my cheeks.


He was doing more things to me, things that were supposed to be wrong and prohibited. He was making me have sinful unwelcome thoughts but I wasn’t going to fall prey. I needed to get myself together, I needed a way to push Adrian away but no idea came. I was at a dead end now there was no way out. I desperately needed a solution and as they said solutions don’t come knocking at your door, that’s what is fun about life..

Chapter 45

“I… I need to get back to my patients,” I stammered, my voice barely a whisper as I looked at my feet. Turning on my heel, I hurried into the med bay, leaving him outside.

The sight of Gabe and the others gathered around a makeshift table brought a small measure of comfort. Relief flooded their faces when they saw the food that I had brought, they were hungry and I felt bad for starving them. We shared the meal in a tense silence, punctuated only by the clinking of utensils and the occasional muffled conversation.

Finally, Gabe broke the silence. “Tessa, what took you so long?” he asked, his voice laced with concern as he drank a cup of water in a single gulp.

I cast him a sidelong glance. He knew, I knew that. “Just… some things took longer than expected,” I shrugged, not wanting to go into detail, not with the others.

Gabe seemed to understand my reluctance. He simply nodded, his lips pursed in understanding.

Later, after seeing to the patients, I pulled Gabe aside for a private conversation.

“There’s something you need to know about Heather’s condition,” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper.

“Finally, what did you find out?” He asked, his voice laced with concern.

I explained without talking about the secret room, I just told him it was an assumption. the relief on Gabe’s face mirrored my own. Heather wasn’t cursed, she wasn’t dying. It was just a phase, a surge in her wolf nature. With time and training, she would be fine. He heaved a sigh of relief.

–“You should go see her, she’s awake” He suggested.

I bit my lip and looked at the direction of the isolated room.

“You’re right, I don’t want her to get nervous about being alone” I murmured.

“Please do, she asked of you when you went out” He informed me.

“Really?” I asked.

Cabe was staring at me intently and I knew what was on his mind.

“Fine, fine. I had met Adrian outside…” I explained everything to him leaving out the part where he had pinned me to the wall, he didn’t need to know that.

“You’re beginning to confuse me, Tessa. We both know he likes you but do you like him? I want the truth, Don’t be shy” He urged.

I wasn’t shy. I honestly didn’t know about my feelings.

“I don’t know, Gabe. Sometimes I like, sometimes I hate him. It was like having mood swings.” I explained.

“Well, I won’t force you to make a decision now but I’d advise you to choose a side now” Gabe said tilting his head slightly.

Chapter 15

His words made sense to my brain but not to my heart, I still didn’t want to choose between the


“I should I go ch*ck up on heather” I said, desperately wishing to leave his presence.

Gabe looked at me weirdly.

“Do as you please, Tessa. Just don’t get hurt again” He said with bated breath as he looked at me

I took a deep breath at his words, he cared but I was the confused one here.

Feeling a renewed sense of purpose, I went to visit Heather. The young girl was lying in bed, her eyes wide with worry. I reassured her, explained what I had found in the book, and promised her that everything would be alright. Heather listened intently, a flicker of hope returning to her eyes. There were no more questions, no childish defiance, just a quiet acceptance.

“Thank you Medic Tessa. I really appreciate it” She said, her voice calm but still a bit nervous.

I patted her head.

“You’ll soon be fine so you can go home to your mama and papa” I said smiling at her.


snuggled closer to me.

“I can’t wait” she muttered under her breath and I could only imagine what fear she must have been feeling, she was just a little girl without her side to help her overcome this kind of trials. I felt bad for honestly. They were a bunch of nice and caring people and I couldn’t imagine what they were feeling when they heard that their only daughter had contracted the deadly plague.

“You should get some rest again, have you had some food?” I asked her softly.

She stared up at me with large brown eyes.

“Yes, Medic Eva brought some biscuits and milk in the morning. Thank you Medic Tessa” she said.

I smiled and k*ssed her forehead.

“Alright, dear. I’ll get going” I said to which she simply nodded and said nothing.

As I continued my rounds, checking on the Elders and the other patients, a loud knock echoed through the med bay. Gia started towards the door and I let her handle this one wondering who had left their homes to come here

“It must be the chef that Alpha Adrian sent,” I mused, a sliver of hope blossoming in my ch*st at the thought of more food supplies.

But my hope was quickly dashed. As Gia opened the door, I heard her greet someone in a surprised voice. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the voice on the other side. Adrian.

I rushed out to the door and curtsied.

“Alpha Adrian, what brings you here?” I asked struggling not to look into his eyes. He was definitely not happy about something and I wondered what had happened.

Chapter 45

“Someone came into the pack today and claimed he was here to see you, I want you to tell me if you’ve seen him” He said, his voice neutral of all emotions.

I was about to say that I wasn’t expecting anyone when Adrian moved and I saw the person behind. him, the one person I didn’t expect had come back. Nathan! Yes, the Nathan from Eastern Ridge pack.

“Tessa?!” He asked and before I could speak, he ran into my arms and started stroking my hair. I could hear Gia gasp and I could feel Adrian’s dark look still on us, he was jealous and he wasn’t bothering to hide it.

I found myself wrapping my hands around Nathan also. Who said solutions don’t come knocking at the door? It literally did. I had found my ticket to push Adrian’s away.

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Redeem My Rejected Luna And Genius Quadruplets by Big Baby

Redeem My Rejected Luna And Genius Quadruplets by Big Baby

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Artist:
Tessa Hearst, the Luna of Silvermoon Pack, has no reason to wake up one morning, showing pregnancy symptoms and realizing she’s a few weeks pregnant.Her mate is impotent and she never cheated on him, so why is she pregnant? Her unexplainable ordeal stirs up an endless trail of rumors and she gets rejected and almost killed Five years later, she returns to the pack as a renowned doctor, with triplet sons that have a striking resemblance


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