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Redeem My Rejected Luna And Genius Quadruplets Chapter 44

Chapter 44


My gaze followed Tessa as she moved with a practiced and graceful ease through the hidden chamber. The dim light cast long shadows that danced across her pretty face as she skimmed over the spines of the ancient and dusty books. She moved with a quiet intensity, her brow furrowed in concentration. Exhaustion clung to her like a second skin, yet her determination to find a solution for Heather burned brightly in her eyes. I admired her determination, I knew she wouldn’t stop till she found a way to help Heather and everyone.

It was a side of Tessa I rarely witnessed six years ago. As a renowned medic, she was a pillar of strength and practicality. But here, in this dimly lit chamber, she was a scholar, her curiosity and compassion shining through her medical capabilities. A pang of something unfamiliar tugged at my chest, a warmth that surprised me. It was familiar, of course. I kept having that feeling whenever I was close to her, it was her effect on me, it wouldn’t ever quench…Never.

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A soft gasp escaped her lips, drawing my attention back to the task at hand. She knelt before a bookshelf, pulling out a leather–bound book with reverence. Settling onto the dusty floor, she flipped through the pages with a focused intensity. The silence stretched, broken only by the sound. of turning pages and the occasional creak of the old shelves. I found myself glued to the focused look on her face, how could someone look so pretty by just reading books?! It was insane.

Suddenly, her head shot up to look at me, a triumphant smile spreading across her face. “Adrian! I think I found something!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement as she fervently pointed to something in the book.

I crossed the room quickly to her side, my steps echoing on the stone floor. Crouching beside her, I peered over her shoulder at the open book. The text was faded and archaic, filled with strange symbols and diagrams. Even with my limited knowledge of ancient text, it wasn’t something I could decipher.

“What is it?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

“It’s not exactly clear, I have limited knowledge on deciphering ancient text Tessa admitted, her finger tracing a line of text on the book. “But it seems to describe a condition… a pup’s accelerated werewolf awakening triggered by the full moon. The symptoms align perfectly with what Heather said ”

Relief washed over me. It wasn’t a curse, nor some unknown infection. There was a reason, an explanation. A sliver of hope flickered within me. Perhaps now everything would be fine with the little girl.

We spent the next hour deciphering the cryptic text together. Slowly, painstakingly, the answers began to emerge. It wasn’t a permanent condition; the rapid awakening was a temporary phase, a surge in her werewolf nature that her young b*dy was struggling to control. With time and proper training, she would normalize.

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As we read, our hands brushed occasionally, sending a jolt of electricity through me… through us. Her touch was light, almost fleeting, yet it sparked a fire within me I hadn’t anticipated neither had. she, I could sense her flinch each time our fingers brushed together. I stole a glance at her face, her

Chapter 41

brow furrowed in concentration, her lips moving

silently as she mouthed the words on the page.

The air crackled with a tension that had

fingers ing to do with the ancient text before us. My brushed against hers again, sending a shiver down my spine. I wouldn’t lie, I had intentionally brushed our fingers together this time, I just wanted to feel her skin on mine even if it was just for a fleeting moment. This time, neither of us pulled away. We simply sat there, the connection hanging between us, unspoken but still as strong as ever.

Then, as abruptly as it began, Tessa snatched her hand away, her cheeks flushing crimson and she stood up hastily.

“I. I should get back to the med bay, the others will probably be wondering where I went” she stammered averting my gaze, rising to her feet and offering a shaky curtsy, her eyes searching the floor. “I haven’t managed to get any food. I had actually gone to the kitchen to get some food for everyone but it seems the chef was also put on quarantine so we’ll just make do with the fruits I found, in case you’re wondering what I wanted to do with the fruits” she said hastily without. missing a single beat.

Her words snapped me out of my trance. Shame filled me. How could I have been so lost in the moment that I forgot about their basic needs? I had completely forgotten that the medics would have no food if the royal chefs weren’t there. I had made no provision for them and shame filled me at the thought.

“Food?” I frowned. “Has no one caten since yesterday?” I asked, unable to keep the worry out of my


Tessa shook her head, her voice barely a whisper. “We weren’t supposed to leave the med bay, and there wasn’t much left in the kitchen anyway. We’re under quarantine so is everyone in the pack.” She said raising her head up slowly to look into my eyes.

It was my turn to look away, I wasn’t prepared for the sudden eye contact and my heart melted as her cyes bore into mine. I felt giddy and a smile fought its way to my lips, it took all my willpower- to force the smile back in, it felt so good just being in her presence, too good. I cleared my throat instinctively.

. “I’m sorry

about that, I deserve to be scolded. You guys have been doing so much and the rush of things made me forget that you would need food supplies” I said bowing as a form of apology.

A frozen expressionless look was etched on her face and I straightened up.

I had a solution.

“I have food in my chambers,” I said, folding my arms behind myself “It wouldn’t be much, but it’s enough to hold you till I get food sent to you later.

Tessa hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty

ssing her features. “But won’t that…”

“Don’t worry about protocol,” I interrupted gently. “You need to take care of yourselves first before you can take care of others. It’s no problem at all.”

Her lips curved into a small, grateful smile and her eyes brightened. “Thank you, Alpha Adrian,” she said curtseying.

Chapter 44

We made our way back to my chambers in comfortable silence. The hallway felt strangely different this time, the air buzzing with unspoken words and feelings. I could feel her gaze on me occasionally and every glance sent a thrill through me, a feeling I couldn’t quite define. Love? Nervousness? or both?. Suddenly she halted, a weird expression clouding her face.

“What’s the matter?” I asked looking at her curiously. Her eyes darkened as she stared at me.

“Is Giselle there?” she asked hesitantly, breaking the silence between us.

“No,” I replied. “She’s probably resting in her own quarters. You don’t have to worry, she’s in her quarters and she’s also under quarantine and she’s following protocol so you shouldn’t be worried that you’d bump into her”

Relief flickered in her eyes, a fleeting emotion I didn’t miss, it was something that made me smile. Finally, we reached my chambers. I ushered her in, the familiar scent of cedarwood and leather filling the air. I could feel her gaze rove around the room for a split second, taking in everything at first glance. She nodded slightly as her gaze focused back on me.

“Wait here for a moment,” I instructed, disappearing into a back room. She simply crossed her arms and nodded without saying anything.

Moments later, I returned with a tray laden with sandwiches, fruit, and cheese. The aroma of fresh bread filled the room, a stark contrast to the stale smell of the corridors we just walked through.

Tessa’s eyes widened in surprise as her eyes looked at the variety of food. “You have all this? Why?!”

“Always prepared,” I said with a faint smile, setting the tray on a low table in the center of the room:

“You still eat a lot, I guess” She teased as she put her hand over her mouth and chuckled, her eyes twinkling reminiscing when we were still mates….it felt a bit awkward now, she seemed to realize this because she looked down at her feet almost immediately and bit her lips. Damn it! I just wanted to grab her and smash my lips on hers.

“I’m glad you remember, you don’t seem to have changed your eating habits though, you’re still slender” I joked, trying to make her feel better.

She raised her eyes, her gaze challenging me.

“Who said so?! I’m not slender” she said in defense and I found myself laughing at her cute.


“Of course, you’re not slender, you’re…tiny” I teased before bursting into laughter.

She pouted and looked at me with puppy eyes.

“Am I really? Apologize for telling me that” She said playfully with a perfect puppy face that made my heart skip a couple of beats.

She noticed my silence and poked me, my skin tingled at her touch.

“Oh, c’mon..” she urged childishly.

I looked at her pitifully.

Chapter 44

“Oh, please don’t. You don’t know what that look does to me” I said, avoiding her lingering gaze.

She raised a brow and then laughed silently before nodding.

“Alright, alright. I was just teasing you” She said smiling at me. Oh goodness, why did that smile make me forget my name for a second? I was losing it.

“The food’s all yours,” I said trying to distract myself from what I was feeling.

She smiled, hesitated, then stepped towards the table. As she reached for a sandwich, I moved closer, drawn by an invisible force.

“Let me help you,” I offered, reaching for the plate before she could.

Our hands brushed again, sending a jolt through me that made the platter wobble. Tessa retracted her hand quickly, her cheeks burning a brighter crimson than before. There was nothing I loved. seeing more than making her blush.

“No, I can…” she stammered, her eyes focused on the plate rather than on my eyes that were staring deep into her soul. I was trying to read through her, through her expression to know what she felt.

But I was already placing the plate on the table, my gaze lingering on her for a beat too long. The space between us seemed to shrink, the air thick with unspoken desire and she managed to look at me slowly. This was it, it was my chance. I was playing a dangerous game but I think it will be worth the gamble.

“Tessa,” I started, my voice low and husky. “There’s something…” I paused watching her reaction


She moved a step away, of our close proximity.

“Hmm, yes? What’s up?” She said, confused about the right word to use. So I still had an effect on her, I felt another smile creep up my face.

So…about what’s happening, I just want to thank you for allowing me to see the children and umm..for not pushing me away, I know I don’t deserve it but just thanks,” I said.

“Yeah, that’s cool” She muttered looking down.

I found myself drawn to her, my steps bringing me dangerously close to her. I didn’t know what I was doing but I was doing it anyway..

She looked up at me, her eyes wide with surprise as I pinned her against the wall with a firm grip. I could hear the frantic thump of her heart, the rhythm echoing the frantic beat of my own pulse.

Leaning in closer, I could feel the heat radiating from her skin, the intoxicating scent of her perfume filling my senses and I lost control. I leaned in dangerously close that our lips were almost touching.

“Do you want me, Tessa?” I whispered, my voice husky with desire.

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Redeem My Rejected Luna And Genius Quadruplets by Big Baby

Redeem My Rejected Luna And Genius Quadruplets by Big Baby

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Artist:
Tessa Hearst, the Luna of Silvermoon Pack, has no reason to wake up one morning, showing pregnancy symptoms and realizing she’s a few weeks pregnant.Her mate is impotent and she never cheated on him, so why is she pregnant? Her unexplainable ordeal stirs up an endless trail of rumors and she gets rejected and almost killed Five years later, she returns to the pack as a renowned doctor, with triplet sons that have a striking resemblance


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