Pursuing My Ex Wife in a Blooming Spring Chapter 140

However, it was understandable, since a full face and body pampering session would certainly require a lot of time. Naomi glanced out the window. The night already fell and unleashed its unforgiving darkness over the entire Herland. The night sky was illuminated by the twinkling lights of the city. Naomi tucked her phone into her … Read more

Pursuing My Ex Wife in a Blooming Spring Chapter 139

Meanwhile, in Allenstown, the sun began to set over the horizon, casting its orange glow over the seaside town. Allenstown was the neighboring city to Herland, and since they were both seaside towns, dawn and dusk came significantly earlier than the mainland areas. Although it was just past six o’clock, the night was already beginning … Read more

Pursuing My Ex Wife in a Blooming Spring Chapter 133

“No.” “What?” Dylan froze at this. “There are plenty of things that science can’t explain. Including whether heaven truly exists or not, but in my opinion, our lives end the moment our hearts stop, and there’s no such thing as heaven.” Dylan was speechless. He did not expect Naomi to take his words so literally. … Read more