Falling For My “Disabled” Wife Novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Sail represented Sophie’s belief sailing through the storm.

That was all that Sophie was thinking when she thought of Night.

Sophie drew this painting for Night and hoped she would give it to him one day. Thus, she securely stored it in the foundation.

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As Norman’s birthday approached, Sophie sensed a time constraint for creating a new painting. Hence, she decided to present an existing painting to Norman.

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After all, Norman had been thinking Sophian’s paintings.

Sophie thought Norman would be thrilled to receive the painting.

As Sophie expected, Norman could not control his excitement. He could not speak and took quite a while to calm down.

Norman inquired, “Where did you get this painting?” He admired Sophian’s work so much that he had sent his people to keep tabs on Sophian’s latest creations. Logically, Norman would be the first to know when there was a new piece.

Norman thought, ‘I didn’t receive any news, but Sophie got the painting?”

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‘This is shocking.

The astonishment was not limited to Norman. Damian, Humphrey, and their wives were all stunned.

Jasmine was the most emotional one.


Jasmine thought Daisy would be the same as she did last year and failed to provide any decent gifts. Thus, Jasmine had been waiting to see Daisy’s joke and did not expect Sophie to get something special. She cursed inside, ‘Sophie is scheming!

‘How did she manage to get Norman’s favorite painting?

‘Norman spent 16 million dollars to purchase Sophian’s first painting. The subsequent two artworks. by Sophian reached a value in the tens of millions of dollars. Despite the wealth of a prosperous family like the Nicholls, we couldn’t find a channel to purchase those pieces.

‘Sophie is just the adopted daughter from the Bourn family!

“Where did she get the money to buy this painting?

‘It would seem reasonable if Roger gives Sophie every cent he has. However, not even Damian can figure out a way to buy Sophian’s painting. How did Sophie get it?”

Thinking it over, Jasmine said, “Norman, you should probably calm down. Sophian’s painting is

Chapter 45

worth a fortune. Also, Damian went out trying to get his hands on one, but it was a dead end. How on earth did Sophie, with no connections, quietly snag Sophian’s painting? The painting likely is a fake!”

Jasmine did not care if her speech would embarrass the Nicholls family. All she wanted now was to humiliate Sophie in public.

She shouted inside, It would be best if Sophie embarrasses Daisy and Roger!

Then, they will be too shamed to show up anywhere!

Norgan managed to calm down after being reminded. He said, “Jasmine’s words make sense. Sophian’s paintings are priceless now. Besides, I’ve never heard of her producing a fourth painting Norman’s words served as a prompt for Humphrey. Hastily, he chimed in, “Exactly, Dad. I’ve been keeping an eye on Sophian’s latest creations because I know you’re a fan. I even reached out to the Del Foundation, leaving a message for them to give us a heads–up whenever Sophian comes up with something new.”

Rebecca also followed the trend and attacked, saying, “Sophic, I’m afraid you fell into a scam or something. This painting costs a fortune.”

Sophie was surprised that Jasmine and Rebecca didn’t hesitate to embarrass her, ignoring the reputation of the Nicholls family.

Seeing Jasmine and Rebecca were waiting for a scene, Sophie smiled and explained, “Jasmine and Rebecca, I understand your concerns. I anticipate it coming, so I’ve already contacted the Del Foundation. They can prove that Sophian has indeed released a new work. This is their appraisal and handwritten letter. Norman, please feel free to take a look.”

As she spoke, Sophie took out an exquisite envelope with a golden velvet cover.


Seeing the logo and stamp on the envelope, Norman immediately cried, “This is indeed a letter from the Del Foundation!”

Norman had previously purchased Sophian’s first painting through the Del Foundation, and the Del Foundation sent an appraisal and handwritten letter along with the painting to thank Norman for his purchase. Therefore, he was more familiar with this envelope, than anyone else.

Jasmine and Rebecca’s expressions changed when they heard that.

They cried inside, ‘Could it be that Sophie has gotten Sophian’s authentic work?

‘How is that possible?”

Daisy was nervous standing nearby.

Daisy had no idea of the painting’s value, but she was worried about Sophie after hearing Jasmine and Rebecca’s words.

Chapter 45

She looked back at Roger and discovered that he was calm. Roger seemed not to worry about anything.

Norman opened the envelope to read the letter.

He shockingly found that the appraisal report and handwritten letter were the same as those he received before.

Norman immediately laughed excitedly and cried, “It’s authentic! This appraisal and handwritten letter are all authentic. Sophian did create the fourth painting! Great job, Sophie! Thank you for your gift. You’re so considerate. You got me this painting without its release to the public. You must have put in a lot of effort. Thank you for what you did for me.”

Norman’s doubts about the painting’s authenticity vanished, and he had a joyful smile.

Norman loved Sophian’s artwork. He liked it much more than the Gold Zodiac Sign Antiques.

He thought, ‘Although Sophie told me she would give me a present at the banquet, I didn’t expect her to give such a big surprise!

This gift undeniably added a significant boost to my reputation!

‘Sophie, with her mobility challenges, hasn’t been seen outdoors for quite a while, yet she managed to secure this painting for me. She must have invested considerable effort!”

Observing Norman’s immense joy, Sophie beamed brightly and expressed, “Seeing your smile makes all the hard work worthwhile, Norman. As long as you’re happy, it’s all worth it. Happy birthday! Wishing you a long and joyful life!”

Sophie’s words were as sweet as honey and immediately made Norman overjoyed. He said, “Great talk! Thanks, my child. Take a seat. Don’t wear yourself out.”


Recalling that Sophie had recently recovered, Norman was concerned she might be tired from standing, so he hurriedly urged her to take a seat.

Sophie followed Norman’s suggestion and sat down with a smile.

Before the elders could get a seat, Sophie was the first one to sit down.

Everyone was surprised when they saw that. Someone whispered, “Norman seems to be 100% satisfied with his granddaughter–in–law!

“He dotes on her more than his sons.”

Seeing Sophie had stolen all the limelight, Jasmine was so angry that she was about to explode.

She shouted inside, I’ve invested a significant amount of money, and Thomas has put in so much effort to obtain that Soaring Scorpio Lamp! Yet, it doesn’t even compare to the gift Sophie has prepared!

Chapter 45

I’m pissed off?”

Thomas’s expression turned cold.

He thought, I’ve dedicated so much effort to preparing this gift. I believed I would surpass everyone this


‘I can’t believe Sophie beats me so easily.

I have underestimated her.

Norman happily asked the butler to carefully store Sophian’s painting. Then, he sent Damian and the others to greet the guests.

Next, the guests started coming over to send their presents to Norman.

Norman had already received the gift he wanted the most today, so he couldn’t stop smiling.

Jasmine fixed her gaze on Sophie and Roger. She murmured angrily, “Damn it. Where did Sophie get so much money?”

Damian was also staring at Sophie and Roger.

Damian replied, “How come Sophie has so much money? It must be Roger who gave the money to


Jasmine was shocked and said, “I feel the same way. Daisy and Roger are usually quiet in the family.. I never thought they’d have that much money.”

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