Bound By Love: Marrying My Disabled Husband Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Revealing The TruthHearing that Mabel was holding back some information Lanny hung up the call and stormed to meet Mabel with a frown on his faceAt that moment Mabel looked like a shadow and was staring at nothing in particular Glenda was beside her wailing with tears streaming down her faceHow could you have acted so stupid Mabel Whats there to like about Theo If only you could be openminded for a moment youd see just how mistaken you are about himMabel still had a faint mark running down her neck She had done all she could to get her parents support to marry TheoClearing her throat she pleaded weakly Mom youve got to understand that my heart is with Theo Theres no way for me to be happy without himAt that moment Lanny walked into the room with his face dark Approaching Mabel he said coldly Tell me exactly what happened between you and Theo before you got into a bed with himStunned Mabel swallowed hard as a look of nervousness spread across her face Her father had just asked her a question she hadnt thought hed askNothing happened Dad Besides you shouldnt be asking me such questions as Im feeling quite sad right now she replied feeblyLanny scoffed and asked sarcastically Youre quite sad right now Why on earth would you be sad after you got what you wanted Hey are you really on the hook for millions to compensate for some red wineShocked that the truth was on the verge of being uncovered Mabel cringed in fear and looked visibly distressedGlenda stopped crying for a moment and asked with a confused look on her face Who do you owe millions How is that even possibleFeeling that her game was up Mabel without omitting anything narrated all that had happened to her parentsSeeking to deepen her relationship with Theo she had contacted him and asked that they meet up After meeting up she decided that having sex with him was something that she had to make happenSo she had come up with an excuse about not having ever been to a bar to convince Theo to take her to one Upon arrival before she could pretend to be drunk and collapse into Theos arms she had accidentally knocked over several bottles of wine worth millions of dollarsTo save her from her dilemma Theo had paid for the wine that she had destroyed and didnt even tell her to return the moneyBelieving that Theo had acted out of the goodness of his heart Mabel had told herself that he was the ideal lover that she had always wanted Therefore she offered to repay him by sleeping with him and since he didnt turn her down they ended up having sexwrAfter that Mabel felt satisfied with herself for a moment until she realized that she had just simply had sex with Theo and hadnt got him to ask her out or offer to marry herShe had felt pained at the huge loss she had incurred
Trembling she asked Lanny You cant possibly tell me that youre unaffected by the fact that the person that I lost my virginity to isnt my husband right Come on Dad I want nothing more than to be Theos wife Besides just imagine all the benefits that I will bring upon my family by marrying Theo a son of the Ward family which is one of the most influential and richest families in the cityHearing this Lanny couldnt help but shake his head in disgust Mabel spoiled as she was had acted in such a misguided way without even sparing a moment to consider what she was getting into Whats more she was still even dreaming of becoming Theos wifeDespite how cunning and greedy Lanny was he knew that it was going to be near impossible for Mabel to marry into the Ward familyWhen Elyse and Theo had been on the verge of getting married the Ward family resisted without an iota of shame If Mabel who was arrogant and less appealing than Elyse knocked on their door they would boot her away without hesitationBut then even if Mabel successfully got Theo to marry her she would suffer a fate worse than ElysesPissed Lanny fumed Just who the hell do you think you are How can you get so delusional to the point that youve convinced yourself that Revealing The TruthTheo is willing to marry you Shouldnt you have figured out by now that if he planned to take you seriously he wouldnt have slept with you his exfiances sister For him to treat Elyse so poorly despite having a bit of love for her how do you think hes going to treat you a girl he doesnt even have an iota of feeling forAfter a brief pause he added Yet here you are trying to use the fact that he took your virginity to blackmail him Do you think he attaches any importance to getting a woman in bed with him Hes well aware that there are a lot of women who would sleep with him without blinking an eye Do you think he takes you as any different from those loose womenHearing this Mabel bit her lip and clenched her teeth in anger In all but words her dad had just called her a loose womanWhy are you saying all these hurtful words to me instead of supporting me Dad Have you forgotten that Im your daughter I needWithout allowing her to finish her words Lanny interrupted firmly Its because youre my daughter that Im refusing to sugarcoat how stupid youve been Wake up to reality and know that Theo doesnt love you in the slightestGlenda placed a hand on Lannys shoulder and tried to calm him down saying Go gentle on our daughter Honey She deserves a breakGo gentle on her You do know that youre the root cause of this This girl wouldnt have acted the way she did if only you had brought her up to not become a spoiled and entitled individualShaking his head in anger Lanny pointed an index finger at Mabels nose and continued Have you any idea what Theo said He informed us that we have to pay him what he used to cover your debt before he can agree to talk to us The only reason he slept with you was because of the millions that he had spent To him you were just another woman that graced his bedRefusing to accept this as the truth Mabel said through gritted teeth Then just do what he wants Pay him the money and then I can start to discuss marriage with himYou make it sound so easy Can you pay back the several million dollars Lanny asked with a sneer

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