Bound By Love: Marrying My Disabled Husband Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Jaydens InvitationElyse wore a look of prideAs Lizzie observed her for a long moment she realized Elyse wasnt just putting on an act She truly felt proud This revelation shocked herThen she remembered the rumor that Elyse had married a disabled man which made her laugh mockinglyCome on everyone Here comes Elyses husband Lizzie called out flinging the door open and drawing all eyes to them She was determined to have everyone witness thismSoon Elyse and Jayden found themselves encircled by the crowdSeeing Jayden in his wheelchair someone asked with a hint of disbelief Elyse he really is your husband Youre actually married to someone disabledWithout any hesitation Elyse nodded affirmatively Yes he is my husband Weve tied the knotThe room fell silent leaving everyone momentarily at a loss for wordsOne blunt former classmate blurted out Are you joking Even if Theo didnt want to marry you marrying a disabled man seems extreme Have you lost your sensesYes when I heard the news I thought it was fake I never expected you would actually go through with it It seems so rashAs the criticism mounted Elyse had enough Thats enough Its my decision Ive thought it through and its none of your business she declared firmlyShe then turned to Lizzie and reminded her
You lost the bet You have to drink five bottles of wine Keep your promiseLizzie couldnt help but be amused by Elyses choice Despite acknowledging that Elyses husband was very handsome she still fixated on his disability How could Elyse make such a foolish decisioneoOkay Ill drink Lizzie gleefully watched pleased to see Elyse in distressElyse not wanting Jayden to endure more criticism began to push his wheelchair to leave Unexpectedly Jayden held her hand and suggested Since I just arrived lets stay a bit longerBut they Elyse started worried about their upcoming harsh wordsDo you think those words can break me Jayden askedAfter a brief pause Elyse agreed If Jayden wasnt bothered why should she be They were a couple after all and that was what matteredBack in the private room Lizzie fulfilled her end of the bet and started on the wine She drank quickly and by the time she reached the fourth bottle she was noticeably drunk
How does it feel to be married to a cripple she asked Elyse sharply Elyse visibly annoyed replied Do you understand the concept of respect Dont refer to him as a cripple While your husband may be physically able he didnt bother to show up did heLizzies face fell at Elyses words and she retorted spitefully What does it matter if my husband didnt come I live a better life than you At least Im not burdened with taking care of a crippleBefore Elyse could react Jayden cut in We had a quick wedding and didnt invite many but Id like to make it up by treating everyone to dinner someday You dont need to worry about the wedding giftsThis proposal seemed to warm the crowd and someone said We ought to give you wedding gifts thoughJayden politely declined Just your good wishes are enough Lets enjoy a meal togetherCurious someone asked Where should we go for dinnerJayden suggested How about the Grandeur Hotel tomorrowWhatA collective gasp filled the room and a sudden silence followedEveryone present was local and while not part of the upper echelon they were familiar with the Grandeur HotelKnown for its fivestar luxury and expensive cuisine the hotel was not one to accept lastminute reservations Bookings typically needed to be made three months aheadJust recently the Brooks family had spent an additional million tosecure the venue for a weddingCuriosity mounted Who was Elyses husband really Could he be a significant figureJayden checking his phone confirmed Six oclock tomorrow lets meet therenoJacob was restless skeptical of such displays of grandeur I hope we arent turned away at the door he muttered sarcasticallyElyse aware that the Grandeur Hotel was owned by Jayden was confident in his assurances Well see tomorrow wont we she said hinting at the surprise awaiting them

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