Faking It With Damian Black Novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” I asked Andrea for the nth time as we entered the third boutique in town the next day. Candice walked ahead of us, barreling towards the baby clothes section like it was a rush sale, and she was up against a dozen more buyers aiming for the best baby dresses.
Candice was panic buying, if you could even call it that, taking every cute baby stuff we passed by in the previous two shops. I told her not to buy too many clothes until we knew her little bump’s gender. She considered my suggestion for a moment and bought a lot of white clothes. She said they were neutral colors, and they wouldn’t go to waste.
I could only shake my head.
“I don’t know, M.” Andrea pursed her lips, absentmindedly picking a baby pink tutu from the kid’s rack section. She lifted it in front of us, tilting the hanger side to side, and shoved it back on the rack.
“Why? What’s up?” Though I already have an idea of what might be the cause of her downcast mood, I still asked.
When I was coming back from my morning run, I saw Andrea sneaking out of the stables. Although there’s a staff house near the winery, Xander chose to reside in the attic above the stable. Xander has something against sleeping in the same room with other people, except for Andrea, apparently.
Andrea sighed, glancing at Candice at the end of the aisle, eyeing the shelf of baby shoes with stars sparkling in her eyes. She lifted one pink shoe with a smiling bunny, mouthing, “This is so cute. I nodded at her and circled my focus back on Andrea.
“It’s Xander,” she murmured.
For the first time since their one-night stand turned into a couple of night stands, she finally spoke Xander’s name. She’d usually name him ‘Mr. Dark and Stormy with a very wonderful d i c k,’ mocking him at every opportunity she sees.
“What about him?” I mused.
This is a small town, and the workers at Summerfield Acres are practically family.
Chapter 75
He’s a little rough on the edges, but no one ever spoke wrong about him. He’s friends with everyone, and of course, most single ladies on the farm wanted to date him, and the elderly ladies wanted their granddaughters to date him.
Andrea’s gaze dropped on the floor, staring at her pink toenails peeking from her Haviannas sandals. “I slept with him again, last night and the other night before.”
My mouth formed in the shape of an ‘o.’ I assumed she slept with him last night, but for someone who was hellbent on not falling into the arms of another man forever, this was a bit of a shock.
“I know,” she sighed. “Judge me all you want, but I can’t lie anymore.”
I lift my hands in surrender. “Hey, no judging from me. I might have had very dirty phone sex with Damian last night.”
“What?!” she gasped, shoving my shoulder. “How dirty are we talking about?”
I giggled, cheeks blushing. I’m still floating in the air with how my night ended last night. “You go first.”
Looking left to right, she lowered her voice. “It’s like he really has a magic d i c k, Millie.”
I snorted, falling into a fit of laughter as I processed what Andrea confessed.
She narrowed her eyes on me. “I hate you. What happened to no judgment?”

“I’m not judging, but…” I wiped the side of my eyes. “Are you still going with that theory? It’s funny, but we both know a man’s d i c k wouldn’t keep you in one place even if your life depended on it. That isn’t you, Andy.”
She could tell me all good things about Xander’s d i c k, but I know her. It takes more than a magical d i c k to impress her. That’s the reason behind her one-night stand plans. It gave her the freedom to have sex without getting too personal with
guy. She knows what she wants and no one can tell her what to do.
There’s more to Xander than meets the eyes, and Andrea just can’t accept that she likes him more than she’s willing to let on.
Groaning, she turned her back on me and strutted towards the crop top section. I followed suit, bumping her shoulder as we stood side by side facing the rack, the hanger sliding against the metal rack as we inspected the displayed clothes.
Chapter 75
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Yes,” she grumbled, “stop rubbing it in my face.” Then she faced me, one hand parked on her hips as she glared at me. “This is the reason I didn’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to label whatever this is that I have with Xander. I don’t like it, at all!”
“Who cares about labels?” I raised an eyebrow. She paused and stared at me as though I had grown another eyeball. “Look at it this way. If you’re happy, who the f u k cares, right? I’m pretty sure Xander doesn’t give a s h i t. Words go around: Xander had been an eye candy since he moved here to Clarke Bay, and he’d never been seen with any woman… ever.”
Andrea’s interest narrowed on me. “Keep talking. What else do you know about him?”
“I know the girls at The Villa were gossiping about you two. They’re jealous you landed in Xander’s bed instead of your booked reservation.” I giggled, and so did Andrea.
“They must be plotting against me by now.”
“Who knows? But I heard them talking about another hot topic. Lyndon, the new bartender.”
She rolled her eyes and plucked a gray vintage crop tee from the rack. “He’s cute but too pale for my taste. Xander’s skin tone is perfectly tanned,” she sighed, looking at me with googly eyes. “Even his butt is tanned.”
My face scrunched. “Oh G o d, don’t tell me his d i c k is also tanned.”
She wiggled her eyebrows meaningfully. “That’s… ew… whatever. My point is…” I gestured at her with my hand. “You’re already interested in the guy. Why not give it a try? Just have fun and enjoy his company; see where it takes you. Be spontaneous with your love life for once.”
Andrea shrugged. “I’m leaving with Candice this afternoon. There’s no point in being spontaneous with him when we are miles apart.”
“Clarke Bay and Roslin City are only two hours’ flight away.”
“Nope.” Her resolve was coming back in full force. “Long-distance relationships are not my thing. It didn’t work with Nick and it f uc k i n g sucks. Not gonna go through
Chapter 75
that again.”
An idea came to me just then. I gripped her wrist and squared my shoulder. “You know what, why don’t you stay, and I’ll go with Candice?”
She blinked at me, stunned by my proposal. “You can stay in my room, or at least pretend you’re staying there even when you’re sleeping at Xander’s bed every night. Get to know him while I spend time with Damian.”
As I voice out this sudden idea, my intention gets firmer. “It could be good for you and besides, I need to be in Roslin City for Rome’s trial, anyway.”
“Are you sure? Roslin City is not a good place for you right now.”
I tipped my chin up. “I have a reason to go back, and I cannot evade that city forever, right?”
“I don’t know, Millie. I have a bad feeling about this.”
“Come on. I want to surprise Damian, too. You haven’t heard of my date with him yet.” Stars t w i n k l e d in my eyes as I remembered that night.
She looked skeptical but still nodded. “If you’re sure about this, then it’s fine with me. But if you change your mind, just give me a call, okay?”
I squealed, my mind already anticipating Damian’s reaction if he saw me waiting by his car later tonight. I pulled out my phone and texted Danny, ensuring my plan would be in place even on such short notice.
“I can’t wait to see his reaction-”
“Who’s reaction?” Holding a basket filled with baby clothes, Candice butted in. “What did I miss?”
Andrea and I locked eyes. “Millie was just about to spill details about her magical date with Damian.” She slipped a hand on Candice’s left arm.
I plucked the basket from Candice and left it on the floor.
“Hey! I’m buying those!” She protested.
“Nope.” I shook my head and grabbed her right arm. She pouted like a petulant child as we dragged her out of the store. “You’ll thank us later for that. Stop pouting. Andrea’s gonna paint us a picture of how tanned Xander’s butt is.”
Chapter 75
“What?” Candice gasped, and we giggled at her expense.

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