Bound By Love: Marrying My Disabled Husband Chapter 67

Chapter 67Who Could Dislike You Enough To DIn the hall Wanda seated among the judges announced Its your turn ElyseShe observed Elyse stride to the front with seriousness likely battling nerves It was critical for her to perform flawlessly despite the pressureElyse positioned herself in front of the judges inhaled deeply and introduced her piece The UntoldWith the first stroke of her bow she captivated the audience holding their attention until the final note fadedUpon concluding she looked towards the judges who remained silent Her eyes sought Wanda for any sign of approvalWanda with a gentle smile gave a nod of approvalElyse let out a sigh of relief and stiffly walked back to her place in lineAt this moment Rebekah was barely noticeable among the others Her head was lowered her grip on the violin was tight and her shoulders trembled subtlywShe couldnt understand why Elyse wasnt affectedRebekah agonized internally She had tampered with Elyses waterthinking a single sip would be enough to disrupt her performance with discomfort Despite this Elyse had executed her piece perfectly showing no signs of the intended effects What went wrongRebekah was so distracted she didnt hear the judge calling her name initiallyRebekah Bentley Rebekah BentleyHere she finally respondedThe judge with a tone of displeasure remarked If this were the actual performance you would have ruined itSorry I was just too nervous Rebekah apologized and quickly assumed her position ready to playFlower Dance she announced a piece that demanded more technical skill than emotion Yet as she started she was preoccupied with thoughts about why Elyse hadnt reacted to the laxativeThis distraction caused her to falter right from the first noteRealizing her focus was off Rebekah hurried to regain her composure and continued her performanceThe judge maintaining a stoic face noted down her score and then called the next contestant to prepare
Dejected Rebekah walked back to her seat unable to shake off her dismay at how poorly she had performedMeanwhile Elyse struggled to concentrate on the ongoing performances fighting the urge to go to the restroom She managed to hold off until the final performance concluded then hurried to the restroomWhen she emerged from the restroom the crowd had thinned outAfter their performances many participants chose to leave unless they had reasons to staylmFeeling unwell and not wanting to delve into the cause of her diarrhea she decided to head home However as she was gathering her things a sharp pain struck her abdomenFreddy passing by noticed Elyse doubled over clutching her stomach He approached with concern Whats wrong with you Do you have a stomachacheYes Could you please help me get a taxi Elyse managed to say her forehead glistening with sweatSeeing her distress Freddy quickly hailed a taxi and accompanied her to the hospitalWhile Elyse was undergoing an examination Jayden called her phone At that moment Freddy holding her phone worried he couldnt reach her familyElyse its been 80 minutes Isnt the selection process over yetHearing Jaydens stern voice Freddy was taken aback Im not ElyseJayden paused recognizing the voice It sounded like Freddy whom Elyse had introduced at a class reunion Are you Freddy Where is ElyseShes got a stomach ache Ive taken her to the hospital Were at the emergency department of Evergreen Hospital Freddy explainedOkay Ill be right there Jayden quickly ended the callFreddy inexplicably felt a sense of relief and thought to himself how commanding Jayden was a true magnate in the business worldElyse slowly opened her eyes and met Jaydens steady gaze Realizing she was in a hospital bed she asked weakly Whats wrong with meYou had an acute gastrospasm Youre fine now We can go home once your transfusion is done Jayden explained then pressed the call buttonShortly a doctor entered to ask a few questions and ensure she was okay before leaving the roomWith a heavy sigh Elyse revealed I was sabotaged Someone spiked my water with laxative Luckily I only took a small sip I cant even imagine what would have happened if Id taken moreYou would have been quite the sensation Jayden quipped Its just a preliminary round Who could dislike you enough to do thatHow should I know Elyse replied but as she spoke a face flashed through her mind Rebekah Bentleyw

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